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MOUNT PLEASANT – A little over a year After helping to pave the way for one Of the most daring commercial transactions in the history of Wisconsin, President Donald Trump waved a ceremonial shovel in gold at the Foxconn Technology Group's inauguration of the factory Thursday.

On the plateaux of flat land turned into a foundation for a sprawling campus, Trump, Gov. Scott Walker, the president of the Paul Ryan House and Foxconn President Terry Gou searched the land to announce a $ 10 billion project. Economy.

"One of the great men of the world, one of the world's great business leaders," Trump said of Gou, adding, "You will really love Wisconsin."

"This is" Trump told the media gathered at the inauguration before going to the Foxconn Opus Building, to visit the institution and deliver a speech

"I am delighted to see you again. to be "Trump told the audience that Trump erroneously said that he was the first Republican to win Wisconsin in a presidential election since Dwight Eisenhower in 1952. In fact, Ronald Reagan has won the state in 1984.

Trump said Gou fell in love with the concept and people of Wisconsin. He praised Walker for cementing the case, calling him "an incredibly talented guy."

"Foxconn would not be in America if it's not for you," said Walker to the president, as he was brought back on the scene to talk to the

"So I gave the ball to Scott and he ran with the ball, "said Trump, adding that Walker was" a special talent ", then he joked that he hoped the governor would not run against him. Trump said America demanded fair and free trade.

"We have imposed tariffs on steel and aluminum, these companies are on the roof," he said

. "We are going to make a deal with a lot of people," he said, citing recent disputes with Canada, Mexico and China.

Trump was clearly in a festive mood one day after opening a vacancy in the US Supreme Court with Judge Anthony Kennedy announcing that he will leave the court at the end of July.

"Look what's going on with our Supreme Court," Trump said. "Look at the great victories we have."

Gou said 44 years ago that he got his first break as a young businessman in the Midwest, getting his first order from a Chicago-based manufacturer. the Midwest to make a major investment in Wisconsin, to repay the kindness of people who have given me a chance to fulfill my own dream. "" 1965 "Wisconsin was the heart of America's manufacturing." [traduction] "This $ 10 billion investment will create 30,000 jobs in Wisconsin and not just any job. high-tech jobs, high-paying jobs, high-potential jobs, high-value jobs. "

He said that a community will be created where the best talents in America will want to work and live.

"In Silicon Valley and Boston, the WisConn Valley is coming in," he said.

Gou thanked Ryan and Walker, and he said that if it was not for Trump, "I would not be here today."

"As a global businessman, I'm invested in many companies around the world," he said. he says. "President Trump is one of the few leaders who has shown me so much patience and support."

Gou said in meetings with Trump last year he said that the president constantly told him: "Jobs, jobs, jobs."

The dramatic scene was dramatically staged, in the distance a large American flag draped in the air in the buckets of two excavators. , a fleet of construction equipment Case.

The inauguration drew a wide range of political and economic leaders from Wisconsin, including the former governorate Tommy Thompson ur, investor David Lubar, Assembly President Robin Vos and Johnson Controls executive George Oliver

But the biggest surprise may have been the appearance of Masayoshi Son. Son is the chief executive officer of SoftBank Group Corp., a major Japanese bank that has funded Foxconn's activities.

In addition, Son played a key role in Foxconn's decision to build the gigantic Wisconsin plant. The one who introduced Terry (Gou) "to the president, Son said.

There is a photograph of more than a year that indicates that the first indication of the interest of Foxconn in the United States. In the photo, Trump speaks with Son and in His hands can be seen a document with Foxconn's name on it.

Mark Hogan, Secretary of the Wisconsin Economic Development Corp. and a central figure in Foxconn's pursuit of Wisconsin, said: "It's an amazing day, I think in late April of last year when we were at the White House and the speed with which we have arrived where we are today. "

"The best remains to be done" 1965-80 Walker was excited about the inauguration, stating, "Thanks to President Trump, Foxconn LED panels will be manufactured in the United States."

"Today Today, we are inaugurating the world's largest economic development projects. "Walker told the audience gathered inside the Foxconn Opus building.

Walker, who faces the re-election, pointed out how Foxconn will provide an economic jolt across the state.He championed the deal as good for taxpayers and said that Foxconn will "meet or exceed the laws that protect the air pure, clean water, "he said.

" This will make us a state of brain gain. "] Trump arrived in Milwaukee on Wednesday night and settled at the hotel. Pfister Hotel, which hosted the presidents of William McKinley in 1899.

VIDEO: President Trump Speaks After Foxconn Wisconsin's Inauguration Ceremony

Early Thursday, Trump touted Foxconn's development and the jobs it will bring in a tweet. He says in the tweet that the project will create 15,000 jobs, but Foxconn has set that number at 13,000.

Trump has titled a Republican fundraiser in the morning, which has attracted up to 250 people.

Several participants in GOP fundraising described the event as "emotional" and inspiring. They said the president spoke for about 15 minutes at the main breakfast and extolled his economic achievements.

"It was amazing Trump gave a very good talk about economic growth and all the jobs that he brings to Wisconsin, especially with Foxconn," Brookfield's Christine File

"I think that it was very positive, it was very encouraging, her policy promotes good things for companies, "she said," and it makes the cake grow for everyone. "

Trump was "more impressive than I had ever imagined," said Ralph Gorenstein, retired judge at Milwaukee Circuit Court, who attended the event with his wife Cherie him on TV, you do not get it all, "said Cherie Gorenstein. "He knows everything he's talking about, it's amazing, I've cried twice."

"The most important thing he said was I made myself" 39, money, I made business and I made myself very rich. Ralph Gorenstein says:

The Pfister Hotel lobby was swarming with secret service, guest, and Republican agents during the fundraiser

The motorcade was parked outside the Pfister Hotel during the fundraiser. (Photo: James B. Nelson / Sentinel Journal Milwaukee)

In a hallway, a group of people gathered in the hope of having a glimpse or autograph of Trump.

Nancy Greener, a Trump supporter of the Chicago area, is in town for a baseball game but came to the Pfister in hopes of meeting Trump. Greener said that she wants to tell him that he "is doing a great job."

Foxconn exhibited its technology inside its Opus Bulding, including two production lines for video display panels and televisions

showed the goods of Foxconn group companies in areas such as health, aviation, agriculture and security. Screens hinted at the type of technology they hoped to produce or imagine on the Wisconsin campus

A proposed Foxconn campus model showed the scale and scope of what the facility could become. Agricultural fields give way to a science and technology park, commercial development and residential areas, with an autonomous test track in the middle.

RELATED: Donald Trump travels to Wisconsin to celebrate Foxconn in the midst of his attacks on Harley-Davidson [19659011] RELATIVELY: Foxconn Looms as Wisconsin's Wild Election Map for Scott Walker

NEXT: Trump Still Hounds Harley -Davidson, tweeting: "We will not forget"