Donald Trump urges Chicago to adopt a "stop and frisk" policy


Although the number of gun deaths in Chicago is declining, President Trump resumed Monday the theme of his favorite campaign by criticizing gun violence in the windy city – and urged police to launch "stop and frisk" policies. To reduce the murder rate.

"I ordered the Attorney General's office to go immediately to the beautiful city of Chicago to help redress the terrible wave of fire. I will solve the problem quickly, "said the President in Orlando during a speech to the International Association of Chiefs of Police at its annual convention.

He ordered the federal authorities, "he said," to work with the local authorities to try to change the terrible deal between the city of Chicago and ACLU … and to firmly consider stop and search. It works and it was meant for problems like Chicago. It was made for that, stop and search.

He thanked his lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, for defending this program when Bill Bratton was police commissioner in the 1990s.

"Rudy Giuliani, while he was mayor of New York, had a very busy stopping and searching program, which went from an unacceptable city to one of the safest cities in the country and, in my opinion , to the safest big city in the country. so it works, "said the president.

New York police used the tactics aggressively until a federal judge ruled that it discriminated against minorities, and Bill de Blasio ran for the mayor, promising to reduce it.

Critics had predicted a disaster, but Gotham's murder rate continued to drop even as the police reduced the stops – a point that Hizzoner hit home in a tweet after Trump's speech.

"Again, @realDonaldTrump. New York City has reduced the use of stops and searches by 97% and crime has decreased since. The year 2017 has been the safest in our history. The next time you go to the safest big city in America, you'll have to find out from the brave men and women of the NYPD, the mayor tweeted.

The murders in the big apple dropped to 292 in 2018, the lowest number since the 1950s.

Chicago had 765 murders in 2016, the largest number in two decades. In 2017, their number dropped to 653, while so far this year, 419 people have been killed, 132 fewer than last year at the same time.

But the president – who, in June 2017, sent 20 new officers from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives into the city and ordered federal prosecutors to make armed violence a priority – emphasized the need for additional measures.

"You have to apply it, but stop and frisk works. The wave of crime is a terrible scourge for this city and we will do everything in our power to achieve it. I know the law enforcement officials in Chicago and I know how good they are. They could solve the problem if they were just allowed to do their job and do it right, "he said.

Trump repeatedly referred to the gang-generated armed violence in Chicago and said that the city's mayor Democrat, former Clintonist Rahm Emanuel, had tied the police by the hand.

During the election campaign and at the White House, he often recounted the story of a Chicago motorcycle police officer, a "hard cookie," in the words of the president, who told him that he was "in trouble." he could solve the problems of armed violence in the city "in a few days" "If the cops were allowed to do their job.

Chicago police officials have expressed doubts that this conversation ever took place.

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