Donald Trump used a word that he "is not supposed to". Here's why.


"A globist is a person who wants the globe to go well, frankly, not caring so much about our country.And you know what? We can not have it.You know they have a word.C & # 39; Is a nationalist, and I say, really, we're not supposed to use that word, you know what I am, I'm a nationalist, okay, I'm a nationalist.

"Nationalist, nothing – use that word, use that word."

Yeah. That happened.

At first glance, Trump just seemed to say that even though the former presidents – and the politicians – cared a lot about other countries and what other countries thought of the United States (ie, the globalists ), he cared mainly about the United States and good for us (nationalist).

The problem, of course, is that words matter. And the American president, who calls himself a nationalist, has all kinds of problems.

Let's start with what nationalism means. Here is the definition, from Merriam-Webster (underlined by me): "a sense of national consciousness exalting a nation before all others and focus on promoting its culture and interests as opposed to those of other nations or supranational groups. "

This bold part is what differentiates nationalism from patriotism. Although patriotism, like nationalism, shares pride and conviction in one's own country or values, it does not include the idea of ​​promoting your values ​​and culture as intrinsically superior to those of your own. other. (Here is a good breakdown of the differences between patriotism and nationalism.)

Then there is the historical context of the word "nationalism". It mainly evokes two close associations: Nazism and white nationalism.

The roots of Adolf Hitler 's rise were built around his focus on extreme nationalism – the idea that the only way for Germany to become big again was to seize the superiority of the people. German and to drive out those from Europe who refused to recognize this superiority.

White nationalism, which took place last year in Charlottesville, Virginia, is organized according to the principle that Caucasians are intrinsically superior and that for society to truly flourish, the agenda Whites must be recognized as a top priority. necessary expenditure of anyone is not white.

Now, do I think that Donald Trump was thinking about all this linguistic and historical context when he said he was "nationalist" in Houston on Monday night? Probably not. I imagine that he was running his former political guru Steve Bannon, who claims to be the self-proclaimed leader of what he described as an economic nationalist movement based on the idea that world elites are chasing the average Joe across the country. world.

"The Brexit, Trump, the elections here in Italy – these are all similar plays," Bannon said in Italy in September. "They give a voice to the little guy, they reject what the elites have told us, and they show we're tired of hearing that if we want to protect our countries, our way of life, that means we are racist, nationalistic and xenophobic. "

The big problem with the open adoption of nationalism by Trump (and Bannon) is the whole story and the context that goes with it. Nationalism is not a new concept. And history suggests that it has often been used not only to promote the pride of one's country and its values, but also to subdue those who do not share those values, sometimes with absolutely devastating consequences.

For those who say that Trump just used the word "nationalism" and was totally unaware of everything that goes with that idea, I say two things.

First, he is the president of the United States. This means that not only are his words important, but also that he has the obligation to understand the story behind these words. Oops, I did not want to suggest what I suggested It's not an excuse that a president can do.

Second, Trump himself explains that he knows that he probably should not call a nationalist. Here's Trump: "You know, they have a word, he's become a little old-fashioned, he's called a nationalist, and I'm saying, really, we're not supposed to use that word." This quote should calm the idea that Trump did not know what he was doing with his choice of words. He knew – and said! – that he probably should not use the word, but did it anyway.

Listen, I understand that Trump sees moments like that of Houston last night as an opportunity to make fun of the politically correct, to "appropriate libs" by deliberately trying to strike their easily offended nature. And I realize that the crowd gathered for a Trump rally likes it when it does. (Following Trump's insistence that he was a nationalist, an extended "USA!" Song erupted in the crowd.)

But let me repeat: words matter. Especially when these words come out of the mouth of the President of the United States. Because he knows that calling himself a nationalist will move the crowd, Trump uses the word.

But, as president, he should realize that when he adopts an ideology with historically (and present) incredibly negative connotations, he plays a very dangerous game with few positive results for the country in general.

The fact that he does not speak in detail of his lack of understanding about the fact that the presidency is not just a job, but a symbol of moral leadership both in the country and in the world.

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