Donald Trump uses the Obama clip to convince Democrats of illegal immigration


A common political ground was found on Tuesday night when President Trump congratulated former President Barack Obama on Twitter.

"I totally agree with President Obama!" Wrote Mr. Trump to a video clip of C-SPAN where Mr. Obama was speaking while he was a US Senator of the 39; Illinois.

However, the Democrats would probably not like this new commission, as Trump was largely monitoring them and / or pointing out how much the Democratic Party had changed in immigration matters.

In the clip, Obama warns of the threat of illegal immigration for the rule of law and its injustice to legal immigrants – topics on which Mr Trump resonates, but that many Democrats say they do not. today consider it a racist whistle.

"We are a generous and welcoming people in the United States, but those who enter the country illegally and those who employ them are disrespectful of the law and disrespectful of those who respect the law," Obama said in a statement. clip. .

"We simply can not allow people to travel to the United States without being detected, undocumented, uncontrolled and bypassing the queue of people who are patiently, diligently and legally waiting to become immigrants in the United States. this country, "continued the president in office.

Among the recent Democratic presidents, Obama is not the only one to have spoken of a difficult immigration game that would have immediately scared off the party.

according to a video clip posted earlier this year on the website of the Republican National Committee, President Bill Clinton denounced illegal immigration in his speech on the state of the Union in 1995, using even the term now verboten "illegal aliens".

"All Americans, not only in the hardest hit states, but all over this country, are rightly disturbed by the large number of illegal aliens entering our country. The jobs they occupy might otherwise be occupied by legal citizens or immigrants. The public service they use imposes a burden on our taxpayers. That's why our administration has acted aggressively to further secure our borders by hiring a record number of new border guards, expelling twice as many foreign criminals as ever before, by repressing illegal hiring, by banning social benefits to illegal aliens "Clinton said.

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