Donald Trump's "Game of Thrones" opens its doors – Rolling Stone


Everything is apparently a game for President Donald Trump. So why not tweet a Game of thrones even with his image about a serious subject of foreign policy?

Friday, the White House ad plans to reimpose sanctions on Iran that were halted as part of the nuclear deal reached under the Obama administration. At the beginning of this year, Trump has withdrawn from this agreement. Later Friday, the Commander-in-Chief take from Twitter and posted an image of himself, with a play on the famous "Winter is coming" Game of thrones slogan, replacing it with "Sanctions arrive".

Unsurprisingly, the answers were quickly integrated:

HBO issued a statement to the media: "We were not aware of this message and would prefer that our brand not be diverted for political purposes." But the cable network also Twitter and responded jokingly tweeting: "How do you say brand abuse in Dothraki?"

The author and creator of the series, George R.R. Martin, took the opportunity to pursue the president to stir up fear and implore the vote:

Eu cast member Maisie Williams did not care tweeting, "Not today."

And, of course, some Internet creators could not help but seize the opportunity to make fun of the president:

Iran's commander Qassem Suleimani also responded to Trump's threat of sanctions against Iran by USsame -inspired:

But maybe Trump is the one who should be scared. After all, the midterms are coming.

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