WASHINGTON – President Donald Trump has renewed his criticism of the NFL on Sunday, using the opening weekend of the league to argue kneeling during the national anthem.

"Wow, the first assessments of the NFL game are way above an already very bad comparison of last year," tweeted Trump Sunday. "If the players stood proudly for our flag and our anthem, and all this is aired, maybe the odds could come back?"

Trump has tweeted about three dozen times about the NFL since taking office last year. The league has proposed a policy requiring players on the field to be present at the anthem, but the idea has been essentially lodged as officials continue to negotiate.

Players who participated in the events described them as a way to draw attention to racial inequalities and police brutality.

There was little sign of protest during Thursday's season opener between the Philadelphia Eagles and the Atlanta Falcons. Two Eagles players took place towards the end of "The Star-Spangled Banner".

Here are some of Trump's most controversial tweets on the subject:

First NFL tweet

Trump first raised the issue at a rally last year in Alabama. A day later, he tweeted that NFL players should be fired if they protest during the anthem.

"If a player wants to have the privilege of earning millions of dollars in the NFL, or in other leagues, he should not disrespect our American flag and should represent the national anthem," he said. wrote Trump in two steps. tweets end of september. "If not, you are killed, find something else to do!"

All about the odds

A former TV star, Trump is often obsessed with notes as a measure of success. A day after his first tweet on the subject, the president hinted that the NFL protests had declined because of the national anthem.

"NFL attendance and ratings are down, annoying games, yes, but many are left out because they love our country, the league should support the United States," he wrote.

Eagles, Call Off Trump Event

The controversy spread beyond Twitter this summer when several Eagles said that they would not show up at the White House for an event in the honor of their Super Bowl victory. Trump abruptly canceled the event and spoke briefly during an event in the honor of the anthem.

"We will be proud to play the national anthem and other wonderful music celebrating our country today at 3 am," wrote Trump. "The White House, with the United States Marine Band and the United States Army Chorus, Honoring America! NFL, do not escape the Locker Rooms!"

Change the law?

Last fall, Trump appeared to be leading the fight to a new level, suggesting that the government amend tax laws to punish the league. But little has come from the idea, in part because the league had ended its status as an exempt and nonprofit in 2015. Individual teams often get big tax breaks from local governments and states to build new stages.

"Why does the NFL benefit from significant tax breaks while disrespecting our anthem, flag, and country? Change tax law!" Trump wrote.

Pence goes out

Vice President Mike Pence made headlines for taking part in a match in October when nearly a dozen 49ers from San Francisco took a knee at the Indianapolis anthem. Trump then tweeted that he had asked Pence to leave if one of the players participated in the protest while he was there.

"I asked @VP Pence to leave the stadium if players kneeled, disrespecting our country," Trump wrote in October. "I'm proud of him and @SecondLady Karen."

Contributor: Jarrett Bell

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