Donald Trump's mid-term strategy: dominating the news


President Donald Trump seeks to influence the 2016 election with a strategy he knows well: dominate the news.

Less than a month away from the first tenure of his presidency, Trump has multiplied appearances in the media, organized more campaign-type events to attract congressional candidates and used all the tricks he knows to tap into. the 24-hour cable news cycle.

On Thursday, it meant welcoming rapper Kanye West to the White House, who delivered a 10-minute monologue both passionate and disorganized about Trump's "male energy" relationship with North Korea and his belief that He was misdiagnosed with bipolar disorder.

"Let us stop worrying about the future; all we have today is today, "said West, in a speech aired on television. "Trump is on his hero's trip right now, maybe he would not have thought he'd have a crazy bastard like that (me)."

Earlier in the day, Trump had himself granted a 45-minute "Fox & Friends" interview on financier George Soros, former Attorney General Eric Holder, and had advanced a theory that Hillary Clinton would have collaborated with Russia in 2016, in particular. other stuff.

In addition to these improvised remarks, Trump also launched the campaign to boost Republican candidates. Over the past week and a half, Trump has traveled to Tennessee, Mississippi, Minnesota, Florida, Iowa and Pennsylvania.

In each of these contexts, Trump writes news and edits the story, engaging in the style of hand-to-hand combat politics he loves. On October 2, in Mississippi, Trump mocked Christine Blasey Ford, who had accused Judge Brett Kavanaugh, currently on the Supreme Court, of sexually assaulting her lack of memory. On October 9, in Iowa, he offered his crowd a slogan "block it" with a new target: Senator Dianne Feinstein, California Democrat and a prominent member of the Judiciary Committee. On "Fox & Friends," he insulted potential challengers of 2020, saying about Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren: "I have more Indian blood in it than it does not have. unfortunately it does not. "

As in 2016, these moments are just compelling enough that they end up being replayed and discussed at the cable news for the rest of the day, keeping the conversation centered on Trump.

This could make it difficult for Democrats to break through in the last crucial weeks before polling day with a different message about health care or other issues. But it has also been reduced against Republicans who once hoped to benefit from the 2017 tax cuts.

In a phone interview with TIME in Air Force One on Wednesday, Trump said rallies and other remarks would help publicize his accomplishments to his fans.

"One of the strengths I have is that I can talk to so many people," he told TIME. "I can talk to them and often it's live TV, you understand. So I can pass my word. "

Read more: How are the midterms going to test Trump on the GOP?

But while the White House thinks putting Trump in the forefront will help them politically, the Democrats think it could help them instead.

Democratic strategists find it historically difficult for incumbent presidents to motivate their constituents at the mid-term. According to data from the US presidency's project, the incumbent's political party has lost 18 of the last 21 mid-term elections and, in 15 of the last 21 elections, the White House party has lost seats in the Senate. .

"The more Trump becomes the problem, the more it will help the Democrats," said Kenneth Baer, ​​a former leader of President Obama who became CEO of Crosscut Strategies. While Trump raises controversy and cultural issues during his appearances, Baer says Democratic candidates should focus on policies – health issues, infrastructure and "cooking problems" that will motivate their constituents.

Recent polls support this argument. An ABC News / Washington To post A survey of 1,003 adults from August 26 to 29 found that 56 percent of those who approve of Trump's president's position said it was important to vote this year over previous ones, but 73 percent those who disapprove of his choice the same.

In the end, Baer added, the president might not be able to change as much the conversations that take place in every state and every congressional district.

"Candidates continue to run their campaigns," said Baer. "They ignore the Washington bubble."

With additional reports from Brian Bennett / Washington

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