Donald Trump's ranking on America's richer list continues to decline


A The Forbes analysis estimated that Mr. Trump could save about 10% on the company's revenue. According to Trump's tax returns for 2005, which leaked soon after taking office, this could amount to up to $ 11 million a year.

"Trump's presidency remains a net loser for him, which sounds ironic," writes Dan Alexander, exploring Trump's wealth for Forbes 400.

"By not disinvesting, it is organized so that its actions, as well as those of people engaged in its activities, present conflicts of perpetual interest – or their appearance.

"In the meantime, if he liquidated, paid the capital gains tax on his entire fortune and created a blind trust to invest everything in the booming stock market, Trump would be richer by $ 500 million of that money. it is today – without the headaches

The publication of the annual list comes a day after the New York Times announced that Mr. Trump, far from being an autonomous man, had received $ 413 million from his father's real estate empire and had been involved in dubious tax schemes in the 1990s, including: some that were fraudulent.

Charles Harder, Trump's lawyer, dismissed the information, claiming that the allegations of fraud and tax evasion were "100% false and highly defamatory", and described the report as "extremely inaccurate".

It is known that Mr. Trump is extremely concerned about his ranking in the Forbes 400 list, published in October, and in the Forbes Billionaires list, published in March. In the past, he has often challenged Forbes' claims, claiming that it was worth more than what they had calculated.

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