Doubt about The North Korean denuclearization shadow Pompeo trip


SEOUL, South Korea – Three weeks after the US-North Korea summit and an advance of an impending trip to North Korea by US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, a leaked US intelligence report and an analysis of satellite data suggest the North may be

North Korea has been showering with the United States and South Korea with good gestures in recent months, including the shutdown of its nuclear tests and the release of its American detainees. But many experts say that it is enough to be able to get to the top of the world.

The State Department said Pompeo is to visit North Korea in the past three months. President Donald Trump's national security adviser, John Bolton, said Sunday that Pompeo and North Korean officials would discuss a plan that would lead to the dismantling of the North's nuclear missile programs.

But it's still unclear whether Pyongyang would agree to that. Also, many questions if Trump has the persistence to see through a lengthy and expensive process to fully eliminate North Korea's nuclear threat.

A look at the latest developments in the nuclear diplomacy:


NUCLEAR ACTIVITIES [19659008] Kim Jong Un in Singapore, Trump tweeted that "there is no longer a nuclear threat from North Korea." But recently disclosed information has contradicted the claim.

The Washington Post on Saturday Unidentified US intelligence officials concluded that North Korea does not intend to fully surrender its nuclear stockpile. Evidence compiled from the United States of America in the United States of America on the subject of nuclear warheads in North Korea's arsenal and the existence of fissile material for nuclear bombs, according to the report

The Associated Press reported that the Post's report was accurate and that the assessment reflected the view across US government agencies.

An analysis of recent satellite photos of North Korea is a major expansion of a factory in the northeast of the United States that produces nuclear-capable missiles, Two researchers at the Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey, California, said in a joint post Monday.

"The Expansion Expects North Korea's Stockpile of Nuclear-Armed Missiles" , "Jeffrey Lewis and Dave Schmerler said.

Nam Sung-wook, a professor at Korea University in South Korea, said North Korea and Trump.

" First, they would want to say that they have lots of intelligence on North Korea and that its relations with the US would be disarmament steps, "Nam said. "Secondly, they were targeted (Trump), asking if he was deceived by North Korea because of the progress of the summit."

Analyst Hong Min at Seoul's Korea Institute for National Unification downplayed the significance of the new disclosures, saying Pyongyang and Washington



During the Singapore summit, Kim repeated his vague pledge to work towards the "In return, Trump promised to give Kim security assurances and the suspension of military drills to South Korea, drawing criticism that he made too many concessions."

The result has left much of the hard work to Pompeo. In each of his two previous trips, he puts Kim. According to the State Department, senior US diplomat Kim Sung, who held negotiations with North Korean officials before the Singapore summit, also traveled to a Korean border village on Sunday to the North.

Experts say Pompeo will have to coax This article is only available in French. (19659021) Hong said Pyongyang is expected to tell six to 12 months, such as shutting down its plutonium-producing reactor and uranium-enrichment plant at its main nuclear complex.

Others say Pompeo should aim higher and get North Korea to commit to specific disarmament timetables and a "frontloaded" abandonment of its nuclear weapons and materials at an early stage. This article is only available in the following languages:



Washington, DC, United States, United States, United States, Washington, DC Some experts think Kim is modeling his country's nuclear future after Pakistan, which began building a nuclear arsenal in the 1990s and is now estimated at more than 100 warheads that are deliverable by short- and medium-range weapons and aircraft. 19659026] While he may well be able to make his way to the end said Hwang Ildo, a professor at Seoul's Korea National Diplomatic Academy. Others think Kim might try to drag the process and wait out the Trump administration, which last year had a credible threat of military force against the North.

A bad outcome for South Korea and Japan would be Trump agreeing to a deal that removes North Korea's long-range missiles that pose a direct threat to continental United States, but leaves Kim's shorter arsenal mostly intact. This would put South Korea's security and its alliance with the United States "at a crossroads between life and death," said Kim Taewoo, a former president of the Korea Institute of National Unification.


Associated Press Writer Lolita C Baldor in Washington Contributed by

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