Dozens of people fall ill in Texas: What is Cyclospora?


  Tens get sick in Texas Outbreak: What is Cyclospora?

The parasite Cyclospora can cause intestinal disease. Above, an image taken under a microscope showing Cyclospora eggs (red) in a stool sample.

Source: CDC / DPDx – Melanie Moser

Dozens of people in Texas have been sick of a parasite called Cyclospora in recent months, health officials announced this week .

Up to now, health authorities have identified 56 diseases caused by Cyclospora since May, according to a Texas Department release. Public Health Services (DSHS).

Cyclospora cayetanensis is a microscopic unicellular parasite that causes intestinal disease known as cyclosporosis in people, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). [8 Awful Parasite Infections That Will Make Your Skin Crawl]

People become infected with Cyclospora when they consume food or water contaminated with excreta containing the parasite. However, the infection usually does not spread directly from one person to another because once the parasite is passed through the stool, it must spend at least one to two weeks in the environment before you can infect another person. CDC says. (The parasite needs time out of the body, where temperatures are lower, to mature.)

Cyclosporiosis is more common in tropical and subtropical countries, so people living or traveling in these areas may be exposed to an increased risk of infection. the CDC says. But in the United States, outbreaks of cyclosporiosis have been associated with imported fresh products, including raspberries, basil, snow peas, mesclun lettuce and coriander. In recent years, Texas has experienced several outbreaks of Cyclospora related to coriander.

The main symptom of cyclosporosis is watery diarrhea that lasts from a few days to a few months, according to the DSHS. Other symptoms may include loss of appetite, fatigue, weight loss, abdominal cramps, bloating, increased gas, nausea, vomiting, and low fever.

People with symptoms of cyclosporosis should consult their health care provider. declaration. The infection is usually treated with a combination of two antibiotics, according to the CDC.

Last month, the CDC announced that it was investigating an outbreak of Cyclospora that disgusted 185 people in four states: Minnesota, Iowa, Wisconsin, and Michigan. This outbreak was linked to Del Monte Fresh Produce vegetable trays containing broccoli, cauliflower, celery stalks, carrots and dill dips. Health authorities have not determined whether this outbreak and the outbreak in Texas have a common source.

The DSHS recommends carefully washing all fresh products, although this does not eliminate the risk of infection, because the parasite can be difficult to wash. Cooking food will kill the parasite, said DSHS.

Original article on Live Science .

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