DPHHS urges Montanais to be smart about antibiotics | Local news


State and local public health officials participate in the United States Antibiotic Awareness Week, which is held annually from November 12 to 18, to raise awareness of the importance of using appropriate antibiotics to combat the threat of antibiotic resistance.

The Montana Department of Public Health and Social Services (DPPHS) and its partners are encouraging all Montanais to work closely with their health care providers to reduce the use of antibiotics. DPHHS is part of a collaborative Montana Antimicrobial Stewardship Working Group to improve the use of antibiotics and prescription throughout the state.

Collaborative members include Mountain-Pacific Quality Health, the Montana Hospital Association, DPHHS and the University of Montana – Skaggs School of Pharmacy.

Erika Baldry, an epidemiologist of healthcare-associated infections, said antibiotics are not always the answer.

"Antibiotics do not work on viruses, such as those that cause colds, flu, bronchitis, or runny nose," she said. "When antibiotics are not needed or taken according to instructions, they can cause side effects and lead to antibiotic resistance."

Baldry said that antibiotic resistance does not mean that your body becomes resistant; it means that bacteria develop the ability to defeat antibiotics designed to kill them. "Some resistant bacteria can be very difficult to treat and can spread to other people," she said.

In the United States, 2 million infections and 23,000 deaths are caused by antimicrobial resistant organisms each year. This is one of the most pressing threats to public health in the United States.

Public health authorities encourage patients to discuss the need for antibiotics when they go to their health care provider to treat an illness. Baldry said it was important for patients to ask why an antibiotic was prescribed or not.

"If you have not been prescribed an antibiotic because of a viral illness, your health care provider might suggest you to relieve your symptoms, such as the use of fever reducers, saline sprays" warm compresses, drink plenty of fluids and rest, "she said. "Everyone has a role to play in the fight against antibiotic resistance."

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