DPHHS website highlights clinics and testing services


(HELENA) June 27 was National HIV Testing Day, and authorities took the opportunity to launch a new website to help people find a place to get tested

. mt.gov. It includes an interactive map of public health clinics and other organizations that perform tests. He also points to other services, such as HIV care and testing for other sexually transmitted diseases and for hepatitis C.

Jim Murphy, Chief of the Bureau of Communicable Diseases from DPHHS, said that information was previously available in a list format. The new site is more accessible.

"It is much easier for people to know what services are available in their area and what is the availability of these services," he said

. Millions of Americans are living with HIV – and many do not know that they are infected.

"When one in seven people may not be aware of their HIV infection, that's a problem," Murphy said. "These sites make it easy for people to find their HIV status, usually in less than half an hour."

DPHHS Leaders Say Public Health Partners Extend Testing in Montana and many offer free tests. They say that a state-sponsored provider network conducted more than 2,000 HIV tests last year.

The CDC recommends that everyone between the ages of 13 and 64 be tested at least once for HIV

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