Dr. Kristi Funk, breast surgeon at Angelina Jolie, talks about breast cancer awareness and says soy is safe


Now it's Breast Cancer Awareness Month, it's the perfect time to catch up with Kristi Funk, MD, a breast surgeon in Beverly Hills, California, and author of Breasts: Owner's Manual, published this spring. We sat down with Dr. Funk to talk about everything from breast cancer risk to why she teamed up with Silk to dispel myths about soy consumption.

With so many titles on breast cancer, what really determines who gets the disease?

So we know that 5 to 10% of all breast cancers come from an inherited gene mutation and that a number of these genes now exist, so it's not just BRCA mutations. The inverse of this statistic is that 90 to 95% of all breast cancers do not come from an inherited genetic mutation. There is ample information that we are making poor choices as an industrialized country and that countries that reflect our lifestyle and eating habits have also seen their breast cancer rates skyrocket. It is therefore nutrition, alcohol, exercise, obesity, hormone replacement therapy, emotional stress and environmental toxicities. I strongly believe that if we purify these important aspects of our diet and lifestyle, we could actually eradicate at least 50% of invasive breast cancers on the planet and more than 1.3 million breast cancers. invasive species would be diagnosed every year worldwide. This number is expected to double by 2050.

Let's focus on soy. Why was every woman told not to eat products containing soy?

It all started with an instinctive reaction from doctors and others who intend to succeed. I myself perpetuated this lie for 17 years and I only corrected it when I plunged into the soy literature. What we have heard correctly is that soy isoflavones have a chemical structure remarkably similar to that of estrogen. Therefore, we thought that this phytoestrogen probably acts as a true estrogen in the body and we know that estrogen feeds and feeds 80% of breast cancers, so spit miso from your mouth. Until last summer, when I did this research, I told all my breast cancer patients to avoid soy in all its forms.

So what has changed?

For soybean, the reaction in humans does not match the animal studies that have been done. Sometimes we compare the animal model and sometimes we do not do it. It's a time when we do not do it. Since 2009, nine excellent soybean studies in humans have been conducted on soybeans. I have proudly partnered with Silk to eliminate the myth that soy contains harmful phytoestrogens. It's really the opposite. Soy is healthy and studies show that when you compare soy users to those who do not consume it, there is a steady 30-60% decrease in the number of breast cancers for the first time . It is fascinating to note in the literature that cancer with negative estrogen has halved with soy consumption. It turns out that in addition to being anti-estrogenic in its behavior, soy is also anti-carcinogenic, anti-inflammatory and an excellent antioxidant.

What is the best way to increase our soy consumption?

Soymilk can become a truly healthy equivalent of protein and a substitute for your dairy milk. So, wherever you throw it, whether in a cereal, a smoothie or a coffee, you get between five and nine grams of protein per cup of soy milk and 50 percent more calcium and the equivalent in vitamin D compared to dairy milk. My other healthy warning is to eat only GM-free soybeans and make sure that the first ingredient in the product is whole soybeans or water. At home, we eat two to three servings of tofu, soy and edamame a day. Fermented soy is a little easier for the digestive system, it causes a little less gas and bloating and creates even more antioxidants. . These are all excellent forms of complete soybeans to give you these anticancer benefits.

Finally, all you are passionate about breast cancer screening?

If you think your breasts are a loaf of raisin bread and you crush that loaf of bread, take a picture and tell me to find the grapes, it's a digital mammogram. But the new 3D mammograms do the same thing, but what I see now are 15 slices of raisin bread. Now, I really find raisins. How much better is this technology? We see a 34% improvement in breast cancer screening with a 17% decrease in false positive recalls, which is a significant benefit. I love this technology but it remains an area that makes me angry. We can send someone on the moon and we fly in the air at 500 km / h by plane, but we can not look at a breast and see what exactly it contains. We just need better screening, but I do not see it coming tomorrow.

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