DR MICHAEL MOSLEY: Keep your blood sugar under control … even if you're not diabetic


For a few weeks I have been writing about ways to protect your body from age and rejuvenate your mind. This week is all about the vital importance of controlling your blood sugar level.

That's because persistent blood sugar levels will age you, both inside and out, faster than anything else.

your blood adheres to proteins in the walls of your blood vessels, making them more rigid and less flexible.

  According to Dr. Michael Mosley, hyperglycemia can lead to diabetes

<img id = "i-ea513b578f9f29c0" src = "https://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/newpix/2018 /07/14/16/4E3D2B2900000578-0-image-a-1_1531583183755.jpg "height =" 475 "width =" 634 "alt =" D after Dr. Michael Mosley, in the photo, according to Dr. Michael Mosley, high blood sugar levels can lead to diabetes

High levels of blood sugar also damage the nerves.

That's why diabetes – a disease characterized by l? Hyperglycemia – is one of the leading causes of blindness and more than doubles your risk of having a heart attack or stroke, or developing dementia.Men with diabetes are also 20 times more likely to 39, be amputees of a limb.

And you do not need to be diabetic for any damage to occur. alienne conducted with over 10,000 people found that prediabetes – blood sugars not yet diabetic – increased the risk of premature death by more than 60%

. by attacking the molecules of collagen and elastin in your skin. This in turn makes your face sagging, baggy and wrinkled. So what can you do about it? Try to follow this simple five-point plan …


Answer yes or no to the following questions about known risk factors for diabetes: [19659012] or more?

  • Are you a man?
  • Do you have a family member with diabetes?
  • Are you from an ethnic group other than European white
  • Do you have a waistline of 36in or more? 19659014] Do you have a BMI of more than 30?
  • Do you suffer from hypertension?
  • If you answer yes to at least three of these questions, you could be at high risk for diabetes and should probably be screened by your GP or get a chemist's self-test kit.

    If I do this test, I get three "yes" answers, which puts me in the high risk category. That's because my father was diabetic, because I'm over 60 and because I'm a man. Clearly, these are not things I can do anything about. But the waistline and the weight are. High blood pressure is also closely related to higher levels of intestinal fat and will likely decrease rapidly when you lose weight.

    You can take a more detailed version of this questionnaire, and find out if you have a high risk of diabetes.


    If you are overweight, especially if you have a size that is more than half your size, try my New 5: 2 – recipes

    You can either reduce your calories to 800 on two days a week or, if you want much faster results, go for 800 calories a day for 12 weeks.

    A recent study, British researchers Roy Taylor and Mike Lean showed that Type 2 diabetics assigned to an 800-calorie diet lost an average of 22 pounds, which they kept for more than one year. year. Not only did they lose weight, but nearly half were able to bring their blood sugar back to normal without taking any medication. The greater the weight loss, the greater the chances of success.

    Rapid weight loss is not suitable for everyone and you should see your doctor before starting, especially if you are currently taking medication. Visit thebloodsugardiet.com, where you will find the support of health professionals and those who made the diet successfully.


    I am a big fan of the Mediterranean diet, a tasty and incredibly healthy way to eat. The version I recommend in these columns and in my books is rich in healthy fats such as olive oil, oily fish and lean nuts, low in starchy foods like potatoes and white rice , and low in sugar.

    fat yogurt and many vegetables. Eating fruit is OK, as long as you have it as a dessert rather than as a snack. It is much healthier (and will allow you to eat better) to nibble a handful of nuts or a little cheese.

    The best fruits to eat are those with a low GI (glycemic index). These should not increase your blood sugar a lot.

    Low GI fruits include berries (strawberries, blackberries, raspberries) and hard fruits such as apples and pears. High GI fruits to avoid include melon, grapes and bananas.


    Cut out sugary drinks such as Coca-Cola, fruit juice and most commercial smoothies. I am not a fan of artificially sweetened beverages as they have been shown to cause inflammation in the intestines. Instead, keep a pot of water in the refrigerator with a few slices of lemon, orange or cucumber floating inside. Tea and coffee are as good as long as you do not add sugar.


    Do you have a question for Dr. Mosley?

    Email drmosley@mailonsunday.co.uk or write to Health, Mail on Sunday, 2 Derry Street, London W8 5TT.

    Michael can only answer in a general context and can not answer individual cases, or give staff

    A recent review of more than 140 studies involving more than 290 million people showed that spending time in green spaces reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes and heart disease and reduces levels of cortisol, a stress marker. Being close to nature means that you are more likely to exercise and also increases your exposure to "good" bacteria, which will calm your immune system and reduce inflammation.

    Try to minimize the time you spend day. I do muscle building exercises like flexing and flexing most mornings and I find that cycling is more pleasant to the joints than running.

    5: 2 recipe of the week … Casserole with Chicken and Butter

    For 4 people

    Heat a tablespoon of olive oil in a large saucepan, then season and cook 4 small skinless chicken legs and boned 2 minutes per side until golden brown

    Add 1 onion, finely chopped 2 cloves of minced garlic and ] 1 big carrot chopped into pieces, and cook for 5 minutes. Add 125ml of white wine 500ml of hot chicken broth half a juice of 400g of chopped butter rinsed and drained, then let simmer 30 minutes. Meanwhile, heat the grill over high heat. Mix 1 chopped garlic clove a small bouquet of tarragon finely chopped, a tablespoon of olive oil and a pinch of salt brush 1 large full pitta cut into quarters. Grill 1 to 2 minutes per side and serve with the casserole and salad leaves on the side.

    Higher version: Use 8 chicken legs so there are two per person, the 400g of whole butter and 2 large full pittas of so that each person earns two-fourths

      Dr. Michael Mosley's Chicken and Butter Butter Casserole that has only 276 calories per person with 560 for the most caloric version

     Michael's Chicken and Butter Pan Mosley who has just 276 calories per person with 560 for the more calorie version

    Michael Mosley chicken and butter pan that has just 276 calories per person with 560 for the highest caloric version

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