Drake tried to date Heidi Klum – But she ignored her texts


Heidi Klum, The Ellen DeGeneres Show

Michael Rozman / Warner Bros.

Heidi Klum left Duck on reading – and for that she is sorry.

The 45-year-old supermodel judge went through The Ellen DeGeneres show today, where she admitted to having ignored the 31 year old rapper when he tried to date her earlier this year. First, some stories: the last time Klum appeared on Ellen Degeneres& # 39; talk show, she was single, so she played a game in which she had to choose between two eligible singles. He came to Drake and Joaquin Phoenix, and finally, the America has talent the judge chose the actor.

Shortly after this apparition, Klum started making romances with a 29-year-old rocker. Tom Kaulitz. "You put it in the universe! You really did it," she told DeGeneres. "And it was actually a day when I did not want to go out because I was working, I went home at night and it was my friend's birthday, so I prepared myself again, I put on my heels and went to the birthday party – and it was there! It was amazing! So, no matter who: go out, that's what m & # 39; 39, has arrived!

When Klum spotted Kaulitz for the first time, "it was so bad that I could not even look at it." So yes, really was love at first sight. "I had to sit next to him instead of crossing, because I should have been watching him all the time." It was like an instant contact [spark]"Klum says." Do you know when this thing is happening, and you get hot and fuzzy inside? It was like that. "

DeGeneres is happy for Klum, but she was also curious if Drake contacted her after the episode aired in February. "He did it … Sorry, Drake! Snooze you lose! Do you know what I mean? It was basically a week too late," said Klum laughing. In fact, she said, "I do not remember when he was and I did not have his number, he did not have my number [either]. Someone I know knows him, and I suppose he asked to have my number, then he sent me a text message. I was like "Oh, my God! This is so weird! But I never sent him a message, because I found the love of my life. "

Heidi Klum, The Ellen DeGeneres Show

Michael Rozman / Warner Bros.

"Wait!" DeGeneres said. "He sent you a text message and you did not even answer it?"

"No," Klum replied. "I mean, what do you do?"

After DeGeneres teased him a little more, Klum "embarrassed" decided to apologize to the rapper. "Where is the camera?" she asked. "Drake, I'm sorry I did not send a text, you're cool, I always love your music, I always love your music, I'll probably come to concerts very soon."

Realizing that she would probably not mark free space, she added, "It's good! I'm going to buy a ticket!"

Klum certainly said that she could have handled the situation differently. "I'm not good at these things, I have to learn, you have to write a book about that stuff, I'm not good at texting, anyway, or that text label," she added. . I said. "Like, some people wait a certain number of days to remind you or send you a message, I do not know, I just did not understand it!"

Maybe for the better: Klum is happy with Kaulitz, while Drake is doing Drake. "We met six and a half months ago, and I like it a lot," Klum joked about Tokio Hotel guitarist. "He's German too, maybe it was always the thing that was missing: I need a German! We have the same roots, the same education and the same understanding. He's the first man to understand what I'm talking about Who knows, but it's working really well. "

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