Drake writes his high school teacher and his last conversation is so sweet – PHOTO


Teachers are so important and can really make a difference in the lives of students. This is clearly the case here, as Drake sends an SMS to his high school teacher. That's right, the rapper stays in communication with his favorite teacher since high school. It's really the sweetest thing and it shows how much it has had an impact on Drake – and still does so to this day.

Beside a screenshot of their last text conversation, Drake shared on Instagram on Tuesday,

"My favorite high school teacher always tells me I'm in class this week and I like it for that [pink heart emoji]"

As you can see below, his teacher, whom he named "Kim" (yes, they are now first names), sent him a message. Display panel article published on October 22. The article, of course, was about Drake and the title was: "Drake marks the 12th Hot Billboard 100, the Top 10 of 2018, Passing The Beatles for the maximum in a single year".

First of all, it's a huge feat, so congratulations, Drake! That's exactly what her teacher thought, while she was texting him,

"WOW !!!! It's pretty unbelievable! I often wonder what your 16/17 car would think of. Rather great! Bravo!"

How is it sweet? She obviously could not be more proud. As his teacher mentioned, Drake probably never imagined, when he was a teenager, to be one of the most popular artists and not enough. Oh, and you know, beating the Beatles in the charts.

Yes, Drake responded to his teacher and, thankfully, he even shared his answers on the screenshot. He first, wrote appropriately,


Then he wrote a longer answer. It reads:

"I do not think my 16 or 17 year old would understand that I just want a Nestea and that I know how to turn my 61% into a 73% as soon as possible."

It does not seem that Drake, aged 16 or 17, cares even so much, according to the singer. This is not a secret the old Degrassi star did not have the typical high school experience like many other teens. In 2002, he left high school with one credit. He told KMEL 106 (via MTV) in September 2010: "At one point in my life, I was a lost child. I knew I wanted to make music, but I dropped out of high school against my wish to be a retired teacher. "

David Becker / Getty Images Entertainment / Getty Images

It was not until 10 years later, in October 2012, that Drake finally graduated from high school. He graduated ten years later, which shows that it's never too late to complete his studies or get more notice in different areas of life.

In fact, Professor Drake always seems to be the same person who helped him graduate from high school. The day he graduated in 2012, the rapper took on Twitter and wrote,

"97% on my final exam.88% in the course.One of the greatest feelings of my life.As of tonight, I finished high school! Thanks to my teacher Kim Janzen for the last 5 months of hard work with me !! OVO SOUND. "

If you look at the screenshot above, the initials of Drake's teacher are listed as "KJ" in his contacts, which could well mean "Kim Janzen". If they are one, Janzen is a truly amazing person and teacher. No wonder Drake sends him another message.

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