DRC identifies "second wave" of Ebola in the east


A second wave of the Ebola virus has been confirmed in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo, where a first outbreak has already killed 125 people, said a minister on Saturday.

The latest wave is concentrated in Beni, a town in North Kivu near the Ugandan border, said Health Minister Oly Ilunga.

"We do not know the magnitude yet," he added. "The epicenter, which was in Mangina, is now in Beni." Both cities are about 20 km away.

This second wave is the result of community resistance to measures taken to fight the disease, Ilunga said.

"The outbreak in Beni is high risk … and the situation is worrying."

On Friday, the World Health Organization expressed concern at the growing number of cases registered in recent weeks, particularly in Beni.

The last outbreak is the 10th in the DRC since the detection of the Ebola virus in 1976.

Officials in Beni announced measures to protect health workers after a number of incidents during which intervention teams were assaulted.

Fears and misconceptions about the virus have led to widespread mistrust and resistance to workers in the Ebola response, including those arriving in communities dressed in protective clothing suits. to orchestrate the burials.

A member of the UN peacekeeping mission, Monusco, was among the latest victims of the virus, said the United Nations and the Ministry of Health.

The work of health officials is also hampered by violence in a region that has long been ravaged by armed conflict.

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