Drew Barrymore's "weird" interview with Inflight magazine: Real or not?


However, few have garnered as much attention as what was presented as an "AND" star interview in an onboard magazine, described as insulting, grammatically incorrect and fictional.

Adam Barow, an expert from Yemen, made this discovery Tuesday by sharing images on Twitter of what he describes as a "surreal" interview in EgyptAir magazine, Horus, in which the actress, aged 43, years, would have made a series of comments on weight loss, maternity and status of women.

The confusion revolved around whether the article was a real interview or not. EgyptAir defended this piece as a "professional interview in a magazine led by Dr. Aida Tekla, former president of the Hollywood Foreign Press Association (HFPA)."

The airline also retweeted an account on behalf of the writer – from an unverified Twitter account and spelled differently from the author's name – stating that the interview was "authentic "and had been held in New York.

However, the star's spokeswoman told The Huffington Post that the actress "did not participate" in the supposed discussion with celebrity.

The strange piece begins with Barrymore's romantic story, which she describes as unstable in her previous relationships.

"Despite unstable relationships most of her life, despite several unsuccessful marriages and despite the hectic celebrity lifestyle that has dominated her life for many years, the beautiful American Hollywood actress, Drew Barrymore, recently decided to retire temporarily. [sic] take unlimited vacations to play her most crucial role as a mother ".

Barrymore then counts down Barrymore's "17 Relations, Engagements and Weddings" before making a wacky assertion that psychologists think her "behavior is natural" because she lacked the male role model in her life after her parents' divorce. parents while she was only 9 years old. "

The opening ends on another charge, which Twitter user Called Offensive: "Since that time, she has unconsciously been looking for the attention and care of a male character, but sadly, things are not always going as planned and she has not succeeded in any way yet. relationship for various reasons. "

Barrymore's supposed responses in the article raised the most eyebrows. In response to a question about weight loss after pregnancy, the award-winning actress at the Golden Globes reportedly said she "considered it was" a great opportunity to encourage all women overweight to work to regain their beauty and body, especially not as difficult as one might think; everything is a matter of determining and following the proper diet under the supervision of a doctor. "

Barrymore's "answer" to another question about the "status of women today" was also reported by Twitter readers: "I can not deny that women have accomplished a great feat [the] In the last century, there has been considerable progress in people studying women's status throughout history.

"This naturally concerns Western women who will only be satisfied if they acquire the rights they deserve for society.This is all the more true as women make enormous efforts that men are unable to exercise because of their many commitments and obligations, "she said.

Then there are quotes about her "parenting methods" and rumors that she would stop playing: "I do not consult psychologists … I focus on caring for their minds and their little bodies", reportedly said the actress.

"I could not stop myself from playing the most important role of my life – being a mother – in which I hope to be conscientious."

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