Drinking whole milk could protect against stroke, study suggests


D High-fat milk could prolong life by protecting against strokes, scientists suggest.

While conventional dietary advice has dictated for decades that skim and semi-skim milk is much healthier Researchers have found no significant link between milk fat and heart disease and stroke, two of the biggest killers associated with a diet high in saturated fats. In fact, some types of dairy fats could help prevent a severe stroke, the researchers reported.

This will be good news for people who prefer varieties of milk, butter, cheese and yogurt to those who do not. Professor Marcia Otto, of the University of Texas, who led the study, said: "Our results not only support but greatly enhance the growing body of evidence that suggests that dairy fats, unlike the popular belief, do not do it. "In addition to not contributing to death, the findings suggest that a fatty acid present in dairy products may reduce the risk of death from cardiovascular disease, particularly by stroke. . "[19659007] window.clientlibs.js.twitter_js = {
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