Duchess Kate recycled a dress from her tour in Germany for her last appearance. (Photo: WPA pool, Getty Images)

Whenever the Duchess Kate recycles an outfit, we find her so pleasant and refreshing. The Royal attended Tuesday the first world ministerial summit on mental health, Prince William wearing a black dress Benevolent tour of last summer in Poland and Germany.

The A-line dress – which we would not want to give up either – is a creation by London designer Emilia Wickstead. Her eye-catching lilac color has divine air for the mother of three, who resumed her royal duties after a six-month maternity leave last Tuesday. Kate and Will welcomed Prince Louis on April 23rd.

This time, Kate exchanged her usual cover for a Mayfair Mayfair sandbag printed in crocodile color by Aspinal of London, coordinated at his heels. She also changed her earrings and added a necklace to her ensemble repeated on Tuesday.

Look good, Kate! (Photo: Eddie Mulholland / AP)

The appearance of Kate comes on the eve of World Mental Health Day on Wednesday. The goal of the two-day summit held in central London is to improve mental health for all.

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