A Qantas charter plane carrying Prince Harry, Meghan Markle and touring journalists had to halt an initial attempt to land in Sydney, Australia. Keri Lumm reports.

The Duchess Meghan highlights her feminism for the whole world.

The 37-year-old Duchess of Sussex hailed the 125th anniversary of women's suffrage in New Zealand in a powerful speech on Sunday at Government House in Wellington.

"We are proud to be able to join you tonight to celebrate the 125th anniversary of women's suffrage in your country," said the mother-to-be during the final leg of her royal tour with Prince Harry.

The members of the Royal Family were joined at the reception by New Zealand Premier Jacinda Ardern (third woman Prime Minister of the country) and Governor Dame Patsy Reddy (the third female Governor General).

"The accomplishments of New Zealand women who campaigned for their right to vote and were the first to be won in the world are universally admired," said the Duchess, standing in front of a painting by Queen Elizabeth. . While waiting for this very special occasion, I reflected on the importance of this achievement, but also on the wider impact of what it symbolizes. "

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Duchess Meghan, an ardent advocate of women's rights, said that "women's suffrage is about feminism, but feminism is about equity."

Dressed in a black dress Gabriela Hearst, the royal insisted on the importance of voting for everyone, regardless of "race, gender, ethnicity or orientation".

"Suffrage does not only concern the right to vote, but also what it represents: the basic and fundamental human right to be able to participate in the choices for your future and that of your community, the commitment and the voice that allows you to be a part of the world you belong to, "said Duchess Meghan.

She continued, "Bravo, New Zealand, for defending this right 125 years ago – for women who deserve to have an active voice and a recognized vote, and for all people to that effort has opened the way to the world, and we all deeply thank you. "

It was the third intervention of the Duchess Meghan during her 16-day tour of the South Pacific with her husband, Prince Harry. The newlyweds visited cities in Australia, Fiji, Tonga and New Zealand.

The reception was temporarily delayed after a fire alarm, which would have been triggered by an atomizer diffusing an air freshener into a bathroom, forcing the guests to evacuate the building briefly.

Everything resumed normally shortly thereafter. Duchess Meghan received a thunderous applause when she began her speech by greeting the indigenous Maori.

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The Duchess of Sussex plays hongi at a traditional welcome ceremony on the lawns of Goverment House on October 28, 2018 in Wellington, New Zealand. (Photo: Samir Hussein / WireImage)

She may have learned a thing or two earlier in the day when the newlyweds were greeted with an indigenous Maori welcome.

Harry and Meghan each played a "hongi" with Maori elders, in which they squeezed their noses to share their breath. They were greeted with traditional haka performances and a 21-gun salute to Government House in Wellington, capital of New Zealand.

The couple is scheduled to spend four days in New Zealand, where they will walk in a national park, meet young film industry educators and visit a hatchery for the national bird, the kiwi.

Contribute: The Associated Press

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