Dueling iguanas hold traffic in Florida Starbucks parking lot


Queuing at Starbucks is a common thing that many people get used to. But wait behind two iguanas while they're fighting in a Starbucks car park? Well, maybe Florida.

Two women participating in a coffee race in Boca Raton, Florida, were shocked to see what they thought were two major branches that were starting to move into the Starbucks car park, reports the Palm Beach Post. But they were not two sticks – they were two iguanas, were fighting against each other.

Shannon Moskoff and her friend immediately stopped their car and started filming the two big lizards. At first, an iguana seemed to put his mouth around the head of the other. "Oh my god, they eat each other," says a woman saying in the background of the video captured and shared on Facebook.

OMG !!! This is CRAY CRAY

posted by Shannon Moskoff on Saturday, June 23, 2018

"What have I never seen in my life, are they stuck?" a woman asks. Then the iguanas begin to crawl forward, causing both women to scream in shock.

The iguanas continued fighting each other, their heads glued to each other, trying to push themselves and bite their heads. The women added their own colorful comments throughout the video.

It may be a strange site to see in front of your car, but it's Florida, where millions of iguanas roam. Male iguanas often fight and "will fight to the death if they are allowed access to each other," says the Green Iguana Society.

The two women blocked traffic in the parking lot and had to leave before seeing which iguana had won the duel. It was not your average coffee, but maybe it should have been expected in a place like Florida.

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