Duke and Duchess of Sussex kissed by five-year-old boy


TThe Duke and Duchess of Sussex landed in Dubbo, in rural Australia, to be greeted by farmers for tea and to learn about the consequences of the devastating drought.

The royal couple, who have been in Sydney for two nights, flew Wednesday to the countryside, 300 km northwest of the city.

They met with about 150 people, including the mayor of the city, Ben Shields, and children from nine schools in the area.

Among them was five-year-old Luke Vincent, who had hugged the Duke and Duchess of Sussex and rubbed his beard.

Anne Van Darrel, director of Buninyong Public School, said the young man was fascinated by the hairs in Harry's face.

She says, "He had a hug from Meghan, then Harry leaned over to talk to him and Luke did not give him a choice!"

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