Duncan Hunter Airs announces that the opponent is a terrorist sympathizer


Representative Duncan Hunter, a Republican from California whose re-election campaign was threatened by a federal indictment, launched a startling attack on his Democratic opponent, hinting that he is an Islamic terrorist sympathizer and a risk to national security.

"Ammar Campa-Najjar is working to infiltrate the Congress," says the narrator of the advertisement of Mr. Hunter, published on YouTube, in reference to the democrat who comes against him. "He used three different names to hide his family's ties to terrorism."

Mr. Campa-Najjar, who, up to Mr. Hunter's troubles, was considered a very long stroke to conquer a predominantly Republican district in the suburbs of San Diego, has a Mexican-American mother and a father who immigrated from Middle East. His paternal grandfather, Muhammad Youssef al-Najjar, participated in the project of assassination of Israeli athletes at the Olympic Games in Germany in 1972; he was assassinated by Israeli military commandos in 1973.

Mr. Campa-Najjar has repeatedly denounced the actions of his grandfather. He is a Christian and has often emphasized the activities of his church.

In a statement released Friday, Campa-Najjar said: "It is sad to see MP Hunter lose his grip on reality." He said that as a former member of the White House, he had received a security clearance from the secret service. after a thorough background check.

Judging Mr. Hunter's legal problems, he added, "He knows I'm not responsible for the actions of my family, just as his wife is not responsible for his own.

Both campaigns did not immediately respond to requests for comment.

Hunter's announcement is an escalation of comments he made about his opponent earlier this week, according to local reports, when he pointed out that Mr. Campa-Najjar has legally changed his name to Joseph de Yasser.

A spokesman for Mr. Campa-Najjar said that he had received the name of Yasser, his father's first name, in accordance with the traditions of Arabic origin, and that he had changed it to Joseph because he preferred it.

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