Duncan Hunter has spent his campaign on 5 cases, prosecutors allege


According to the prosecutor who allegedly had photographic evidence, Republican Duncan Hunter (R-Calif.) Reportedly spent money campaigning for five separate cases.

Hunter and his wife, Margaret, were charged last month 60 expenses related to the alleged abuse of $ 250,000 in campaign funds for personal expenses such as sumptuous vacations and dinners. The couple has pleaded not guilty.

The San Diego Union-Tribune now reports that the 47-page document alleges that the congressman had "personal relationships" with at least five people, none of whom are identified.

Hunter's lawyer, Gregory Vega, opposed this part of the investigation in an August letter to the Justice Department, the newspaper reported.

Vega argued that prosecutors pursue criminal charges for conduct that falls within the gray areas of the civil election law.

"This is true even for the personal indiscretions of the congressman that prosecutors seem to have the intention of charging," Vega writes. "The supposed reason given to include these details is that they reflect campaign fund spending for extramarital infidelities and excessive drinking."

Vega claimed that prosecutors had told him they had photos of Hunter's alleged cases. Despite this, indiscretions have not reached the level of a crime.

"While there may be evidence of infidelity, irresponsibility or dependence on alcohol, once understood, the underlying facts are not comparable to activities. criminals, "Vega writes.

Politico reported in February that Hunter was accused of having had at least two cases while in Washington, DC, but dismissed the rumors as "tabloids".

The alleged cases are the latest evidence suggesting that Hunter may not be the candidate for family values ​​that he claims to be on his website.

He may also not be the best husband. After Hunter and his wife were charged last month, he told Fox News that she had manipulated all the money in the family and that the scandal was his fault.

Hunter later told reporters to "let my wife out".

Hunter's trial is scheduled for November 24 to 18 after polling day. Despite the criminal charges, the latest KGTV / Survey USA poll shows Hunter 8 points ahead of his Democratic opponent, Ammar Campa-Najjar.

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