Duterte's life on the logic of rights is illogical – bishop


On the occasion of Human Rights Day on December 10, 2017, activists dramatize the victims of summary killings for which they are responsible in the administration's war on drugs. Duterte. -MARIANNE BERMUDEZ

It is illogical to be concerned about human life but not about human rights.

It is the assertion of Bishop Caloocan Pablo Virgilio David who criticized the incongruous logic of President Rodrigo Duterte to justify once again In his third speech on the state of the nation (Sona), Duterte criticized critics of his bloody war on drugs and said, "Your concern is human rights, human life."

"The lives of our young people are wasted and the families are destroyed, and all because of chemicals called shabu, cocaine, cannabis and heroin, "notes Duterte in his Sona 48 minutes Monday.

"Can not ever agree with such an assertion" which is obviously inconsistent "but not really surprising" from Mr. Duterte

"Is the right to life not The most basic human right? Such a statement implies that the victims of drug-related killings are not human lives, "said the bishop in a statement issued after Sona de Duterte. . I wonder if we can find a civilized nation in this world who would agree that drug addicts are not "human"? ", He asked.

David pointed out that drug addicts are" sick "who need to be saved. Focus his campaign against major drug providers

" How is it that the offer illegal drug remains stable despite all murders? Is not it obvious that drug addicts, small sellers and sellers are not the root cause of the drug problem? "David:" Neither the church nor human rights advocates say we should let illegal drugs proliferate. our country. Of course, we are also concerned about the victims of drug addicts. But the victims of illicit drugs include the addicts themselves! ", He added.

David stated that even though they agree that a drug campaign is needed, the church's call for ending the murders "

" Is not it obvious that drug addicts, street vendors and pushers are not the root cause of the drug problem? "Is not it obvious that they are also victims, and that they also need to be saved, not killed? ", he said." The fight against illicit drugs must indeed be relentless, but assassinations – whether by police or masked vigilantes, we must stop! ", he added. / kga

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