Dwayne Johnson says he's in need of experience before the presidential race


July 12 (UPI) – Dwayne Johnson appeared on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert Wednesday where the actor discussed how he was serious about the race to the presidency.

began to pick up, of course when someone asks me – yes, I have an incredible respect for our American people and our country – so I said 'Yes, I would consider it & # 39; 39; "said Johnson to Colbert about the possibility of running Stephen, I mean, look, I'm not delusional at all, I feel like I … you know what that is, I'm not sure. I need this thing … oh, experience, "he continued." So if this were to happen in 2024, 2028, I should go to work and gain experience, you know, and understanding politics. "

asks Johnson to run for president in June 2016 following the publication of a Washington Post editorial that suggested he could win an election based on his sympathy and descent.

The former WWE star also shared a photo of Tequila with Colbert on the show as the couple raised their eyebrows, sang a Samoan song and was discussing the legacy of his family in professional wrestling.

"That means, like," Meets me, oh my love, just what I'm guilty of, "Johnson said of the air that he played. "I will say that I have never looked at a man directly in the eyes when I sang that."

Johnson, detailing his family's connection to professional wrestling, explained how his grandmother was the first woman wrestler in history.

"By the way, she was also a badass," he said, explaining that she was unaware of the choreography involved in the fight and that she "s not sure about it. physically involved in a match featuring her husband. Johnson said of his grandmother's response to seeing his grandfather being beaten during a match.

Colbert mentioned that Simone's 16-year-old daughter, Simone, was 16 years old. Alexandra Johnson was interested in becoming a professional wrestler.

"I love the idea that she does it only because the wrestling industry is very different from what it was when I was there. down, "said Johnson

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