This prequel in the social-horror franchise features the first night that any crime (including murder) is legal.

With rifles, masks and machetes, the franchise " Purge "is coming back this week for another kill. 19659007] The saga of the dystopian horror has gone through four stages with a premise of not losing: For 12 hours each year, the US government sanctions all crimes as legal to release anger and repressed societal violence.

"The First Purge" (Opening July 4th), offers an original story that marks the latest popular micro-budget franchise from producer Jason Blum (a Hollywood offer that makes critics scream louder than its condemned victims.) Here is our ranking of the four films "Purge."

4: "The Purge: Election Year" (2016)

With a plot full of holes that its victims of blows fire on the screen, "Election Year" ranks as the band's worst.The story follows Senator Charlie Roan (Elizabeth Mitchell), the only survivor of a purge massacre who has destroyed her entire family when she was a child.Now, she shows up at the presidency on an anti-purge platform, a move that enjoys broad populist support.

The unexplained overthrow of the public on the nights of Purge is disconcerting, as it goes against the very foundation of the franchise. stresses that the bloody night is not only vital but popular. Even worse, even the fight scenes are not satisfactory because "Election Year" dies in its quest for a happy ending.

3. "The Purge: Anarchy" (2014)

The franchise's second film focuses on a broader view of the economic inequality that fuels social rage. attention, "Anarchy" spreads too thin, culminating in the development of thin character and lines of unrealistic plot.

2: "The First Purge" (2018)

The latest film is the most overtly political franchise, and is powerfully relevant given today's headlines.

Dmitri Drug Dealer (Y & # 39; lan Noel ) is fighting against the government's plan to wipe out a subsidized low-income housing neighborhood that is essentially African-American n at Staten Island. On the night of the Purge, an all-white, brutal armed force seizes the local community, giving rise to the chaos sanctioned by the government that follows. "The First Purge", which is the difference between a social message and a genre entertainment, is also a comedy, thanks to the neighbor Dolores ("Orange is the new black" star Mugga). "The Purge" (2013)

The film that started the franchise at the top of the list in 2013. Ethan Hawke gave power to James Sandin, a successful businessman whose house is submerged by killers during the purge. star Lena Headey who steals the show, while she turns into a desperate mother protecting her two children, Charlie (Max Burkholder) and Zoey (Adelaide Kane) Overall, the first Purge bloody of a conspiracy meticulously designed

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