Eagles restructures Fletcher Cox deal, no plans for Le'Veon Bell trade


The Philadelphia Eagles restructured the contract of Pro Bowl defensive tackle Fletcher Cox on Friday, but they will not use the salary-cap space to trade for Pittsburgh Steelers running back Le'Veon Bell, according to league sources.

Cox's new deal will create $ 6.5 million more space for the Eagles this season and $ 11.7 million more for next season.

However, the Eagles have not pursued a trade for Bell and do not have plans to do so at this time, the sources said.

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"It's 100 percent misleading to think Cox's restructuring was done with Le'Veon Bell in mind," said one league source with knowledge of the Eagles' thinking.

The Eagles created this cape to be at home to re-sign their own players in each of the next two seasons. But it also gives flexibility in the event they decide to pursue a trade for another player.

With his new restructured deal, Cox now will make a minimum wage base salary and this season, but he has a better payout the next three seasons. He was scheduled to earn $ 11.5 million in basic salary this season, and $ 15.6 million in basic salary next season.

Cox still will get all his money, it will be paid out differently, giving him more guarantees and the Eagles more flexibility.

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