Earl Thomas takes a bow in front of the Cowboys bench after the interception


Earl Thomas wanted to be a cowboy. The Cowboys wanted Earl Thomas to be a Cowboy. But Dallas was not willing to part with more than one second-round pick and failed to find an agreement for All-Pro safety, so he was in Seahawks uniform Sunday .

Jerry Jones probably regrets that after the show, Thomas won the 24-13 win against Dallas. After the final act of this series, a circus interception that sealed the match, Thomas sank in front of the Cowboys bench …

Thomas explained the gesture after the match, via the Seattle Times:

I felt that it was right, in the moment. And if they were going to trade for me and extend me they should have done it

Thomas could very well end up in Dallas at the end of the season. He is still not satisfied with his current contractual situation and has decided not to participate in Seahawks testing this week before returning for a Saturday visit.

Perhaps this performance will convince Jones to put in place a more attractive commercial package. Jason Garrett seems to be interested …

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