Early season viruses hitting hard | Healthy Living


Fupper respiratory infections to mimic symptoms and symptoms

Dr. David Patton with Cherry Tree Pediatrics in Uniontown said they have seen a dramatic increase in the number of kids sick with viral illnesses since the beginning of September.

"This is pretty common at the beginning of school years," he said. "I have seen a number of kids with an illness that either starts with a severe throat that progresses to cough and congestion or any of those symptoms start together.

"Some of these kids have fevers and some body aches," he added. "The severe sore throat seems to be only a few days old for most kids. The cough and congestion lasts longer – usually a week, and there is a fever, it usually only lasts a couple days, with the body seeming to improve in two days. "

Dr. Gregg Nezowitz, area medical director for Med Express, said there is a number of viruses in this area.

"This is the time of year when we see coughing, sneezing, congestion, fever and body / headaches," he said. "They can also appear differently in each person."

As for the flu, Nezowitz said there is no beginning or no end for flu season.

"We are seeing cases of this year-round, but in this area, MedExpress is starting to see flu-like symptoms and illnesses. We did see a slightly higher average number of influenza cases in September than in previous months. "

Patton said they did not have any cases in their office.

"The CDC (Center for Disease Control and Prevention) will resume full, weekly FluView reports on Oct. 12, but it does not seem to be much more important," he said.

There is more to be said than to do so when a person is sick with a viral infection. viruses.

According to the Pennsylvania Department of Health, taking antibiotics when you have a virus can be more harm than good.

"Taking antibiotics when they are not growing your risk of developing an antibiotic infection," said the department's website.

"For individuals, antibiotics can cause side effects that we would only want to tolerate the antibiotic was clearly of benefit," said Patton. "In terms of our community, antibiotic resistance issue is even bigger. The more antibiotics we use in general, the less effective they will be for anyone who really needs them. "

But these symptoms may turn into a secondary, bacterial infection such as pneumonia, ear infections, sinus infections or bronchitis.

"Many bacterial diseases occur as secondary infections (colds)," said Patton. "For instance, these infections are very direct secondary infections from colds. Pneumonia can also occur as a secondary infection from a viral illness. "

The typical course for a viral illness is that it will last for a while, then stay for a week, and then improve, he said.

"If there is fever," Patton said. "If a child's race of illness falls outside the scope of this range, or if there is significant bread, difficulty breathing, refusal to drink, or change in mental status, then the child should be evaluated."

Nezowitz said the best course of action against these viruses as possible is a very simple one.

"Basic healthy hygiene clothes can really make a difference," he said. "There are a couple easy to remember, like sneezing or coughing into your elbow or a tissue; avoid contact with others who are sick; avoid touching your mouth, eyes, nose and face frequently; and of course, you can have your hands on the water and you are not available. "

According to the CDC, there are many different viruses and they are constantly changing.

"The composition of U.S. flu vaccines is reported by the CDC reported. Flu vaccines protect against the three or more viruses (depending on vaccine) that research suggests will be most common. For 2018-19, trivalent (three-component) vaccines were recommended to contain strains of the H1N1 virus, strains of the H3N2 virus and strains of the Victoria lineage virus.

Quadrivalent (four-component) vaccines, contain the three strains in the trivalent, but add protection against a second lineage of B viruses.

The CDC recommends that everyone age six months and older get a flu vaccine each year. They also recommend getting flu vaccine before spreading your community.

"It takes place after two weeks after vaccination for antibodies against the body, and the CDC recommends that people get a vaccine by the end of October," said their website. "Getting vaccinated later, however, can still be beneficial, and vaccination should be continued throughout the season, even into January or later."

Children who are 5 years old or older and who have never had a flu shot before going to two doses.

"These children should start the vaccination process sooner, because the two doses must be given at least four weeks apart," said the CDC website.

The CDC added that it is not possible to predict with certainty if a flu vaccine will be a good match for circulating flu viruses.

"A flu vaccine is most commonly used during the season. However, experts need to know which flu viruses to include in the flu vaccines.

"Also flu viruses change constantly (called" drift ")," the website indicated. "They can change from one season to the next, or they can change the course of one season. Another factor that can impact vaccine effectiveness, especially against influenza A (H3N2) viruses, is that they can occur in vaccines as they are grown in eggs, which is the production method for most current flu vaccines. Because of these factors, there is always the possibility of an optimal match between circulating flu viruses and the viruses in a flu vaccine. "

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