Earth "eats" the water of the oceans



Scientists at the University of Washington have learned that the Earth is the cause of the disappearance of huge quantities of water.

Geologists and oceanographers have found that due to the displacement of tectonic plates inside the Earth, leaving the whole sea. Some scientists think that this is one of the world's problems, reports the Daily. Mail.

It turned out only under the floor, leaving three times more fluid than we originally thought. Every million years, a few billion tons of water escape tectonic plates. And for the duration of the planet's existence, trillions of tons of water have been lost to the heart.

It is remarkable that scientists still do not know what happens when water passes under the tectonic plates. However, if you know archaeological data and reconstructions of plate tectonics, it is clear that in ancient times most of the planet was covered with water. Thus, it is possible to be absorbed by water simply "POPs on the surface" of the plate.


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