Easy DIY Halloween Costumes (with things you already have)


There was a time when choosing a Halloween costume simply consisted of going to a special aisle of your favorite store and browsing all the selections of cowboys, princesses, monsters and clowns made on the display stand. Many of us can still feel the flame retardant on "one size fits all" suits and feel the thin plastic face shield on our innocent little faces. Ah, the youth.

As adults, however, creating the ideal Halloween costume can involve a lot more planning, investment, and execution than we realize. Professional-grade costumes can easily cost several hundred dollars and many ideas require sophisticated accessories and stimulating makeup effects. There must be an easier and more affordable way to become the best or the best office ball without spending so much time, effort and money on the project.

Here are some ideas of last-minute smart Halloween costumes that use items you probably already have on hand, at an affordable price. You may need to do some simple craftsmanship or invest in inexpensive accessories, but you'll be welcome to the punch bowl that spits fog at your next Halloween office party.

Winning bread

Most of the costumes "Dang is tomorrow night?" Is to stretch the simple premises to its (un) natural limits. Example: wear a blue shirt. Collect rewards, ribbons, medals or trophies that you can find. Hold several loaves of white bread. Congratulations, you are now the "bread winner"!

Pea with black eyes

This costume idea practically coined the "too smart for words" genre of Halloween crafting material. Darken an eye with a black or blue eyeshadow, shoe polish or cheap Halloween makeup. Create a large letter "P" and paste it on the front of a shirt. If anyone asks you, you are a "black-eyed pea". (They will ask.)

Green with envy

This is a great costume idea for couples who are not afraid to stay a few meters away from each other, in the interest of a gag. A partner is wearing green clothes. The other partner carries a sign made at home indicating "jealousy". Together, they are "green with envy". Separately, they will spend a lot of time explaining themselves.

Official apologies

Here is another last minute costume idea that requires less than five minutes of preparation. Find a cocktail dress or other evening dress in the closet. Create a belt with the word "apology". You are now officially an "official excuse". Stand for the polite sneer.

The worst electrician in the world

The secret of this costume is the superposition. Start with a work shirt or a combination, preferably with a badge. Wrap an extension cord around your torso and chest. Add a tool belt if available. Hold a large light bulb as an accessory. Use Halloween black makeup to create "soot" on different parts of your face and neck. Tease all your hair and use thick hair spray and gel to hold it in place. Maintain a look of shock and fear. You are now the "worst electrician in the world".

Overworked office worker

Allow the art to imitate life. Wear a tailored white or blue dress shirt, khaki tan trousers and a tie. Fill each pocket with many pens and pencils. Attach as many sticky notes as possible to the front and back of the shirt. If possible, wrap at least one (if not two) handsets around the t-shirt. Wear an oversized coffee maker or cup as an accessory.

Rosie the riveter

Some guests may not immediately recognize the reference to pop culture of the 1940s, but one of the popular last-minute costumes is to wear blue denim pants, a blue denim shirt and a red bandana. Raise the sleeves and take the pose "show your weapons". You are now Rosie the Rivier.

Movie theater

This DIY costume may take a little longer to create, but the result will be worth it. Find a large square of leftover carpet, linoleum flooring, display panels or any other flat surface. Collect all forms of waste associated with movie theaters: goblets, empty lids and straws, gum wrappers, popcorn boxes, small candy boxes and bill drafts. Using tape or a hot glue gun, place all of these objects at random on the board. Wear the board like a sign and tell everyone that you are a movie floor.

Zoolander model

It's time to practice your acting skills. Use spectacular makeup to create an extremely angular and extremely undernourished model look. Wear a headband and the trendiest and trendiest clothes you can find. Spend the whole evening doing intense Blue Steel faces and making selfies without stopping. Do not forget to stay in the character as much as possible.

Risky business

One of the classics of all time in the tradition of Halloween costumes "a minimal investment, maximum impact". All you need is a big white button-down shirt for men, a white-skinny slip, white socks, a pair of Ray-Ban sunglasses, 39, a microphone and a triple self-confidence.

Error 404: Cost not found

When is a Halloween costume not a costume at all? When you decide to get into the big concept and create a sign saying "Error 404: Costume Not Found". For an optimal effect, make sure to accentuate it with the most generic garment you can find: plain t-shirt, khaki pants and accessories.

Pixelated image

This is a two-pronged approach to home-made manufacturing. The first half of the process involves applying dots of different skin tones to the face and neck, creating a pixelated appearance. The second part of the costume uses sheets of construction paper to create a large sign. The idea is to use earth tones to simulate the pixilation of a human body.

Chip on your shoulder

This idea of ​​costume does not even reach the status of "last minute". It's closer to "no one told me it was a COSTUME party!" Empty a bag of crisps the size of a snack. Tape or safety pin says bag to your shoulder. Become your own punchline.


Every Halloween party needs an obscure cultural reference to the father of psychoanalysis, and this costume certainly meets this goal. Find a slip dress in your closet. Create and attach various words and phrases associated with Sigmund Freud, such as "ego," "id," "superego," "anal retender," "Oedipus complex," and so on. (Optional: Tell customers what you think about your mother.) You are now a "Freudian soap opera" and everyone will envy you.

Michael Pollick is a writer for BestReviews. BestReviews is a product review company with a special mission: to help you simplify your purchasing decisions and save you time and money. BestReviews never accepts free products from manufacturers and buys each product reviewed with its own funds.

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