Eating this snack just before going to bed can help you lose weight, according to a study


Do you have a snack at midnight? Remember to eat quickly before going to bed, as a dairy product may help you maintain your overall health, according to a new report.

Researchers at Florida State University recently conducted a small study, published in the British Journal of Nutrition, to explain how consuming whole-food protein, such as cottage cheese, at bedtime, can affect the metabolism.

To do this, they examined young active women aged 20 or older. They gave the subjects cottage cheese 30 to 60 minutes before bedtime and measured their metabolic rate and muscle recovery.

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After analyzing the results, they discovered that consuming 30 grams of protein about 30 minutes before bedtime had a positive effect on muscle quality, metabolism, and overall health. There was also no gain in body fat.

The scientists noted that it was one of the first nutritional studies requiring participants to eat whole foods instead of a protein shake or a supplement.

"Until now, we thought that whole foods would act in the same way as the additional protein data, but we had no concrete evidence," co-author Michael Ormsbee said in a statement. "It's important because it adds to the literature that says whole foods work as well as protein supplementation and gives people pre-wake nutrition options that go beyond powders and shaker bottles. "

Analysts also added that this small study would help them conduct future research on metabolic responses and whole foods.

"Protein supplements do have their place, but it's important to start collecting food data and understanding the role they can play in these situations," said co-author Samantha Leyh. "Like additive and synergistic effects of vitamins and minerals when they are consumed in the form of whole foods such as fruits or vegetables, whole food sources might follow." . Although we can not generalize for whole foods because we only used cottage cheese, this research should open the door to future studies doing just that. "

The team now hopes to continue its research to better understand how pre-night diet choices can help individuals recover from exercise and return to general health.

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