Eclipse 2018: Lunar eclipse in India – When is the lunar eclipse visible in July? | Science | New


Stargazers from around the world are ready for the total lunar eclipse and the Blood Moon from July 27 to 28.

The full moon of July will traverse the Shadow of the Earth, or the darkest shadow, temporarily vanished

] But rather than disappearing completely, the sunlight refracted into the sky. atmosphere will paint the full moon eclipsed a dark red color, giving birth to the so-called Blood Moon.

Scientists at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center estimate that the total eclipse One hour and 43 minutes

The July Blood Moon will be the longest lunar eclipse between the years 2001 and 2100. [19659002] An additional hour of partial eclipse before and after the whole will bring the entire event up to about four o'clock.

When is the lunar eclipse of 2018 blood visible on India?

The eclipse will be visible on large swaths of the world, mainly from East Africa and Central Asia, which puts India on the map. 39, ideal place to see the eclipse in all its splendor.

Other countries of West Africa, Europe, South America and East Asia will still benefit from the eclipse, but only from the moon. , the first phase of the eclipse, known as the Penumbral phase, will begin at 10:45 am IST (17:44 UTC or 6:45 BST).

The moon will then enter a partial eclipse around 23:54 IST (6.54pm UTC or 19:45 BST) and start turning red

By 1am IST July 28 (21h UTC or 10pm BST) the moon will become completely red and reach Maximum Eclipse about 51 minutes later

The Bloody Moon will begin to fade towards IST 2.43am (10.43pm UTC or 11.43pm BST ) when the total eclipse will end.

The full moon will then enter the final phase of partial eclipse and leave the shadow of Penumbral of the Earth, returning to its usual state, around 4:58 (11:58). UTC or 12:58 BST)

Why will the moon become red during the eclipse?

When the moon crosses the shadow of the Earth, all the light that would normally illuminate the giant orb is cut off from view. small amounts of light passing by the Earth still manage to cross the Earth's atmosphere to hit the Moon.

Bending causes scattering of light and by a process known as Raleigh Diffusion of some short color bands

NASA explained: "A total lunar eclipse occurs when the entire moon enters the Shadow of the Earth. "

"Some solar light reaches the moon, but first it goes through the atmosphere of the Earth, from the blue light of the sun, so the moon is red."

The same effect painted the blue sky and makes the sky orange during sunsets.

The dusty skies can sometimes intensify the red glances of the moon but atmospheric pollution can also hinder the show.

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