EEE detected in NH mosquitoes for the first time this year


For the first time this season, a lot of mosquitoes in New Hampshire have been tested positive for equine encephalitis in the East.

Health authorities said EEE was detected in batches of mosquitoes collected last week in Newton and Sandown. Officials in these cities did not say whether they planned to spray mosquitoes.

Public health officials said the positive tests are not unexpected, but they point out that people must take precautions against mosquitoes, for example by using insect repellents and wearing long sleeves.

"We have seen a good deal of West Nile virus activity and human disease in neighboring countries, so we just want to remind people that they take precautions against mosquito bites" Control.

EEE and West Nile virus can cause flu-like symptoms. There has been no case of human illness in New Hampshire this year.

In 2018, 29 mosquito lots were tested positive for West Nile virus.

Health officials said it will take two strong frosts to kill mosquitoes and eliminate the threat for the year.

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