Eight avian species declared "extinct" in new study


Poo-uli, which has not been seen since 2004 (US Fish and Wildlife Service / Paul E. Baker, Wikimedia Commons)

According to a report, scientists said eight bird species have disappeared in what is considered the first avian extinctions of the 21st century. in the British newspaper The Guardian.

These include Spix's macaw, Alagoas foliage tree foliage, cryptic tree hunter, Pernambuco pygmy owl, poo-uli or black-faced raspberry.

Five of these new extinctions occurred in South America and were attributed by scientists to deforestation.

L & # 39; study was carried out by BirdLife International"And was published in the journal Biological Conservation. It evaluated 51 species considered "critically endangered" on the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List using a new statistical method.

Four of the eight species declared extinct belong to Brazil. Spix's macaw, a type of parrot, was last seen in the wild in 2000. The foliage collector of Alagoas, a small forest bird, disappeared in 2011.

The cryptic tree hunter has not been seen in the wild since 2007, when his forest house in Murici, in northeastern Brazil, was destroyed and replaced by sugar cane plantations and pastures.

The fourth Brazilian species to disappear is the Pernambuco pygmy owl, a 15 cm tall owl that eats insects and has not been seen in the Brazilian state of Pernambuco since 2002.

The fifth species of South America on the list is the murky macaw, once found in Argentina, Uruguay and Brazil before its palm grove habitat was destroyed to make way for agriculture.

Another non-South American species on the list is the poo-uli, or black-faced mellifer, which was found on the island of Maui in Hawaii but was last observed in 2004.

This article was originally published on Down to Earth.

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