Einstein is right again – even "ghostly particles" follow the laws of physics


In 1905, Albert Einstein proposed the theory of special relativity, which has since emerged as one of the guiding principles of physics

Special Relativity relates to the relationship between time and the space

. all particles traveling at a constant speed must be considered as following the same laws of physics, no matter where you measure.

Naturally, scientists have sought exceptions to the rules – with little success.

"People love the tests of Einstein's theory," said Janet Conrad, a professor of physics at MIT and a senior author on a new paper. "I can not say if people are encouraging him to be right or wrong".

One place to look for violations of the theory is in the extreme particles – those that are tiny, almost massless and incredibly fast.

This includes neutrinos, "the lightest particles known in the Universe".

The IceCube Laboratory at the South Pole

Particularly energetic neutrinos have recently been studied at the IceCube Neutrino Observatory near the South Pole

This facility allows scientists to study higher neutrinos energy and test the theories of Einstein.

The results of their studies revealed that neutrinos behave exactly as Einstein had predicted

Professor Conrad said: "[Einstein] wins in this one, and it's awesome able to propose a theory as versatile as he did is an incredible thing. "


But research does not do not stop there. 19659002] IceCube scientists are trying to ", adds Professor Conrad:" Every article from particle physics assumes that Einstein is right, and the rest of our work is based on that. And to a very good approximation, he is right. It's a fundamental structure of our theory

"So trying to understand where there are deviations is a very important thing to do."

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