Einstein's gravity theory proved correct once again – this time in a three-star system 4,200 light-years


A researcher found the perfect "lab" to test one of the principles of Einstein's theory of relativity and proved it once again.

Albert Einstein's theory of gravity postulated more than a century ago Relativity, is here to stay and remains to this day "a reasonable way to understand the universe," says Discover Magazine .

This is because the gravity principle of Einstein has just been proved by another scientific study has shown that the theory of Einstein's relativity is still the same in distant galaxies – producing the same type of gravitational lenses as the predictions, Inquisitr reported – a new paper concludes once again that Einstein was right.

Published July 4 in the review Na ture this new study focused on another prediction of general relativity known as the "Principle of Strong Equivalence".

Feather, Hammer, Neutron Star

This principle asserts that gravity affects all objects. in the same way, even the most massive of them, which should fall at the same rate as the lighter objects in the absence of air, under the effect of gravitational forces.

Although surprising, the principle of equivalence was tested several times on Earth – and even on the moon in 1971, during the Apollo 15 mission, note Science Daily – each times with the same result: that all objects fall in the same way, regardless of their mass and weight, if you take the air resistance out of the equation.

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