Elections in Brazil: Jair Bolsonaro tops first results


Composite photo of Jair Bolsonaro (left) and Fernando Haddad (right)

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Jair Bolsonaro (left) and Fernando Haddad expected to play second round

The first results of the Brazilian presidential election suggest that the candidate of the far right, Jair Bolsonaro, will win the first round.

However, he does not seem to be able to count on the 50% valid votes needed to win.

If he does not reach 50%, he will face Fernando Haddad of the left-wing Labor Party in the second round on October 28th.

With 86% of the votes counted, Mr Bolsonaro holds 48% and Mr Haddad 27%.

Opinion polls before the elections had given Bolsonaro a large lead over Mr Haddad, and early exit polls are moving in that direction.

The same polls predicted that in a second round the two candidates would be neck and neck.

  • Elections in Brazil: Five things to know
  • Brazilian voters discuss the merits of democracy

In the days leading up to the election, Bolsonaro and his supporters said they thought they could win in the first round.

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Jair Bolsonaro should not win

"We are on an upward trajectory and are convinced that the Brazilian people want to stand out from socialism," said the former 63-year-old captain of the army.

But if these early exit polls are confirmed, Brazilians will have to choose between two very different candidates on October 28th.

On the scene: correspondent for South America, Katy Watson

The votes are still in progress, but it seems that the Brazilians will have to wait another three weeks before knowing who will be their next leader.

These elections showed how divided Brazil is. Those on the right are determined not to let the workers party, once led by former President Lula, rule again.

Those on the left are desperate not to vote in a man who, in their opinion, poses a threat to the country's young democracy. But Bolsonaro – a politician who wants to fight hard against crime with less stringent gun laws and spoke fondly of the military regime – has a lot of support.

Bolsonaro missed the last part of the election campaign after being stabbed by a single attacker, but his popularity has increased in recent weeks.

Divider and eventful

A Catholic who won the support of many evangelical Christians, Bolsonaro quoted the Bible as a vote. "Our banner was still John 8:32:" Then you will know the truth and the truth will set you free, "he said.

Mr. Bolsonaro sparked controversy with racist, homophobic and misogynistic comments and mass demonstrations against him.

But his tough stance against crime has earned him the support of many Brazilians who believe that record crime rates have made them prisoners at home.

On the eve of Sunday's vote, Bolsonaro said his government would impose the harsh sentences that offenders deserve. He is in favor of easing the laws on the possession of firearms and talked about torture as a legitimate practice. He also wants to restore the death penalty.

Former Mayor of São Paulo, Mr. Haddad is assisted by former President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, prevented from running for office after being jailed for corruption.

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Fernando Haddad became a candidate of the Workers Party after Lula was prevented from running

Mr. Haddad has come forward as a trusted candidate for those who fear Mr. Bolsonaro's style and rhetoric. "I do not believe in violence, military dictatorship or lack of freedom," he tweeted.

"I really hope we will have a much more civilized second round," Haddad said of the deep divisions sparked by the campaign.

"We have the ability to defeat what Bolsonaro represents, to reverse social gains, in terms of civility, solidarity and mutual respect," he said.

People also voted to elect all the governors of the states of Brazil, as well as two-thirds of the senators and all the legislators sitting in the Chamber of Deputies.

More than 1,000 seats in state legislatures in the country are also contested.

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