Electors from Seven States Will See These Marijuana Issues on Election Day

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When voters go to the polls in November, they will not be content to choose American senators, members of Congress, governors and other elected officials.

They will also vote on a number of large-scale marijuana voting initiatives.

cannabis leaves on a white background

Some concern the full legalization of marijuana and others would allow medical cannabis, while one concerns the definition of hemp. Some are statewide measures and others are local in nature. Some are constitutional amendments, while others are statutory amendments. And some are binding on others that are advisory measures that simply give voters a chance to express their views to elected officials.

All in all, there are 36 major separate cannabis reform measures on the ballot next month in seven states. (in addition to a larger number of local proposals regarding the marijuana tax and licenses).

While the campaigns for and against each measure will work to distribute various messages before polling day through media such as television ads, automated calls, e-mails and social media, a significant number of voters will not decide before having their say. ballots in hand.

With this in mind, here is a list of questions about cannabis that voters will see when they have an opportunity to decide on November 6th.



Amendment X – Definition of hemp

Should Colorado's constitution be changed to change the definition of industrial hemp from a constitutional definition to a legal one?




Proposal 1 – Legalization of marijuana

Bill to Authorize and Legalize the Possession, Use and Cultivation of Marijuana Products by Persons Aged 21 and Over and Commercial Sales of Marijuana to Licensed Retailers # 39; State

This proposition:

· Allow people aged 21 or older to buy, own and use marijuana and marijuana-infused food products, and grow up to 12 marijuana plants for their consumption personal.

· Impose a limit of 10 ounces for marijuana stored in residences and require that amounts greater than 2.5 ounces be secured in locked containers.

· Create a state licensing system for marijuana companies and allow municipalities to ban or restrict them.

· Allow retail sales of marijuana and food products subject to a 10% tax, dedicated to implementation costs, clinical trials, schools, roads and municipalities where marijuana companies are located.

· Change several current offenses from crimes to civil offenses.

Should this proposal be adopted?

[ ] YES

[ ] NO


Measure 3 – Legalization of marijuana

This initiated measure would amend the North Dakota Century Code by removing hashish, marijuana and tetrahydrocannabinols from the list of controlled substances in Schedule I of 19-03.1-05. It would create Chapter 66-01, which would define the terms marijuana and marijuana accessories, and prohibit the prosecution of anyone over the age of 21 for any activity related to non-violent marijuana (including cultivation, manufacturing, distribution, marketing, sale or marijuana test). or accessories related to any activity related to non-violent marijuana, with the exception of the sale of marijuana to a person under 21 years of age. Any language of the North Dakota Century Code in conflict with Chapter 66-01, including prohibitions against prosecution, is rescinded and repealed. The measure would also add penalties to people under the age of 21 who own or attempt to distribute marijuana; and provide penalties for people who distribute marijuana to people under 21 years of age. It would amend the definition of "drug addiction" in 19-03.4-01 to apply only to non-marijuana controlled substances. It would amend section 25-03.1-45 to require the automatic deletion of the record of an individual convicted of possession of drugs for a controlled legalized substance; create a call process for someone who thinks that the state has not cleared a record appropriately; and eliminate the sovereign immunity of the state for damages resulting from delisting prosecutions.

○ YES – means that you agree with the measure summarized above.

○ NO – means that you reject the measure summarized above.


Amendment 2 – Medical cannabis

Should the Missouri Constitution be amended to:

  • authorize the use of marijuana for medical purposes and create regulations and licensing / certification procedures for marijuana and marijuana facilities;
  • impose a 4% tax on the retail sale of marijuana; and
  • use the funds for these taxes for health and veterans care by the Missouri Veterans Board and to administer the marijuana and marijuana licensing / certification and regulation program?

It is estimated that this proposal will generate annual taxes and fees of $ 18 million for state and veterans' programs and $ 6 million for local governments. The annual operating costs of the state are estimated at $ 7 million.


○ NO

Amendment 3 – Medical cannabis

Should the Missouri Constitution be amended to:

  • authorize the use of marijuana for medical purposes and create regulations and licensing procedures for marijuana and marijuana facilities;
  • impose a 15% tax on the retail sale of marijuana and a tax on the wholesale sale of flowers and marijuana leaves per ounce of dry weight to licensed facilities; and
  • use funds from these taxes to create and fund a public research institute to conduct research aimed at developing treatments and treatments for cancer and other incurable diseases or medical conditions?

This proposal is expected to generate taxes and annual fees of $ 66 million. State government entities estimate initial implementation costs at $ 186,000 and additional annual operating costs at $ 500,000.


○ NO

Proposition C – Medical Cannabis

Do you want to change the law of Missouri to:

  • remove national bans on personal use and possession of medical cannabis (marijuana) with a written certificate issued by a physician treating a patient diagnosed with a qualified medical condition;
  • remove state bans on the growth, possession, production and sale of marijuana for medical purposes by licensed and regulated facilities, as well as owners and authorized employees of the facility;
  • impose a 2% tax on the retail sale of marijuana for medical purposes; and
  • use this tax funds for veterans services, addiction treatment, early childhood education and public safety in cities with a marijuana treatment center for purposes medical?

State government entities estimate initial and one-time costs at $ 2.6 million, annual costs at $ 10 million and annual revenues of at least $ 10 million. Local government entities estimate that there are no annual costs and should generate at least $ 152,000 in annual revenues.


○ NO


Proposition 2 – Medical Cannabis

Should legislation be passed to:

• Establish a state-controlled process that allows people with certain diseases to acquire and use cannabis for medical purposes and, in limited circumstances, to grow up to 30%. six cannabis plants for personal medical purposes;

• authorize the establishment of facilities that grow, process, test or sell medical cannabis and require such facilities to be licensed by the state; and

• establish state controls on these licensed facilities, including:

o electronic systems that track stocks and purchases of cannabis; and

o the requirements and limitations for the packaging and advertising of cannabis and the types of products authorized?




OHIO – Decriminalization of marijuana


Should the revised Dayton General Orders Code be amended to decriminalize certain specific offense offenses related to marijuana and hashish?


○ NO


Does the proposed proposed marihuana order, which carries the minimum sentence for marijuana offenses at the lowest sentence allowed by the law, must be adopted?


○ NO


Will the proposed order to lower the penalties for marijuana offenses to the lowest offenses allowed by state law be adopted?


○ NO


The proposed order adding section 513.15 of the Marijuana Act to the Municipal Code of the City of Norwood, which would reduce the penalty for marijuana offenses to the lowest penalty allowed by the law of State, would it be adopted?


○ NO


Does the proposed proposed marihuana order, which carries the minimum sentence for marijuana offenses at the lowest sentence allowed by the law, must be adopted?


○ NO


Will the proposed order to lower the penalties for marijuana offenses to the lowest offenses allowed by state law be adopted?


○ NO

WISCONSIN – Advisory Questions on Marijuana

Brown County:

Should cannabis be legalized in Wisconsin for medicinal purposes and regulated in the same way as other prescription drugs?


○ NO

Clark County:

Should the state of Wisconsin legalize the use of marijuana for medical purposes and regulate its use in the same way as other prescription drugs?


○ NO

County Dane:

Should marijuana be legalized, taxed and regulated in the same way as alcohol for adults 21 years and older?


○ NO

Eau Claire County:

Should cannabis:

__ (a) Be legal for adults, 21 years and older, recreational or medical uses, taxed and regulated as alcohol, with the proceeds of taxes used for education, health and infrastructure in Wisconsin?

__ (b) Be legal for medical purposes only and available only by prescription from a medical dispensary?

__ (c) Maintain a drug that is criminally illegal as required by law?

Forest County:

Should the State of Wisconsin allow people with debilitating health conditions to use and safely access marijuana for medical purposes if they receive a written recommendation from a Wisconsin physician? ?


○ NO

Kenosha County:

Should the State of Wisconsin allow people with debilitating health conditions to use and safely access marijuana for medical purposes if they receive a written recommendation from a Wisconsin physician? ?


○ NO

La Crosse County:

Should the state of Wisconsin legalize the use of marijuana in adults 21 years of age or older to be taxed and regulated in the same way that alcohol is regulated in the state of Wisconsin, with the proceeds of taxes used for education, health care and infrastructure?


○ NO

Langlade County:

Should the State of Wisconsin allow people with debilitating health conditions to use and safely access marijuana for medical purposes if they receive a written recommendation from a Wisconsin physician? ?


○ NO

Lincoln County:

Should the State of Wisconsin allow people with debilitating health conditions to use and safely access marijuana for medical purposes if they receive a written recommendation from a Wisconsin physician? ?


○ NO

Marathon County:

Should the State of Wisconsin allow people with debilitating health conditions to use and safely access marijuana for medical purposes if they receive a written recommendation from a Wisconsin physician? ?


○ NO

Marquette County:

Will Marquette County, Wisconsin, adopt the following resolution? Resolved, That "We, the people" of Marquette County, Wisconsin, support the right of its citizens to acquire, possess and use cannabis for medical purposes upon recommendation of a licensed physician, and; Be it further resolved, that we strongly support a statewide referendum asking Wisconsin to join with thirty-two (32) other states that have already approved the Wisconsin. use of cannabis for medical purposes for the treatment of chronic pain, several debilitating diseases and debilitating symptoms.


○ NO

Milwaukee County:

Are you in favor of allowing adults aged 21 and over to use marijuana for personal purposes, while regulating marijuana-related business activities and imposing a tax on the sale of marijuana?


○ NO

Portage County:

Should the state of Wisconsin allow people with debilitating medical conditions to safely use marijuana for medical purposes? [treatment] purposes, if these people have a written [treatment] recommendation from a Wisconsin licensed physician?


○ NO

Racine County:

Should marijuana be legalized for medical use?


○ NO

Should marijuana be legalized, taxed and regulated in the same way as alcohol for adults 21 years and older?


○ NO

Should the proceeds from marijuana taxes be used to finance education, health care and infrastructure?


○ NO

Rock County:

Should cannabis be legalized for adult use, taxed and regulated as alcohol, with the proceeds of taxes used for education, health and infrastructure?


○ NO

Sauk County:

Should the state of Wisconsin legalize marijuana for medical purposes so that people with a debilitating disease can access marijuana for medical purposes if they have a prescription from a Wisconsin doctor?


○ NO

City of Racine:

Should cannabis be legalized for adult recreational use in Wisconsin?


○ NO

Should cannabis be legalized for medical purposes in Wisconsin?


○ NO

Should cannabis sales be taxed and revenues from these taxes used for public education, health care and infrastructure in Wisconsin?


○ NO

Should cannabis be decriminalized in the state of Wisconsin?


○ NO

City of WaukeshaShould cannabis be legalized in Wisconsin for medical purposes and regulated in the same way as other prescription drugs?


○ NO


Voters from several counties and municipalities of legalized states will have the opportunity to decide on local measures setting marijuana tax rates or to authorize or prohibit cannabis-related commercial activities. . There are far too many of these steps to compile here, so you should use your state or county election website to review your sample ballot before going to the polls.


When voters go to the polls in November, they will not be content to choose American senators, members of Congress, governors and other elected officials.

They will also vote on a number of large-scale marijuana voting initiatives.

cannabis leaves on a white background

Some concern the full legalization of marijuana and others would allow medical cannabis, while one concerns the definition of hemp. Some are statewide measures and others are local in nature. Some are constitutional amendments, while others are statutory amendments. And some are binding on others that are advisory measures that simply give voters a chance to express their views to elected officials.

All in all, there are 36 major separate cannabis reform measures on the ballot next month in seven states. (in addition to a larger number of local proposals regarding the marijuana tax and licenses).

While the campaigns for and against each measure will work to distribute various messages before polling day through media such as television ads, automated calls, e-mails and social media, a significant number of voters will not decide before having their say. ballots in hand.

With this in mind, here is a list of questions about cannabis that voters will see when they have an opportunity to decide on November 6th.



Amendment X – Definition of hemp

Should Colorado's constitution be changed to change the definition of industrial hemp from a constitutional definition to a legal one?




Proposal 1 – Legalization of marijuana

Bill to Authorize and Legalize the Possession, Use and Cultivation of Marijuana Products by Persons Aged 21 and Over and Commercial Sales of Marijuana to Licensed Retailers # 39; State

This proposition:

· Allow people aged 21 or older to buy, own and use marijuana and marijuana-infused food products, and grow up to 12 marijuana plants for their consumption personal.

· Impose a limit of 10 ounces for marijuana stored in residences and require that amounts greater than 2.5 ounces be secured in locked containers.

· Create a state licensing system for marijuana companies and allow municipalities to ban or restrict them.

· Allow retail sales of marijuana and food products subject to a 10% tax, dedicated to implementation costs, clinical trials, schools, roads and municipalities where marijuana companies are located.

· Change several current offenses from crimes to civil offenses.

Should this proposal be adopted?

[ ] YES

[ ] NO


Measure 3 – Legalization of marijuana

This initiated measure would amend the North Dakota Century Code by removing hashish, marijuana and tetrahydrocannabinols from the list of controlled substances in Schedule I of 19-03.1-05. It would create Chapter 66-01, which would define the terms marijuana and marijuana accessories, and prohibit the prosecution of anyone over the age of 21 for any activity related to non-violent marijuana (including cultivation, manufacturing, distribution, marketing, sale or marijuana test). or accessories related to any activity related to non-violent marijuana, with the exception of the sale of marijuana to a person under 21 years of age. Any language of the North Dakota Century Code in conflict with Chapter 66-01, including prohibitions against prosecution, is rescinded and repealed. The measure would also add penalties to people under the age of 21 who own or attempt to distribute marijuana; and provide penalties for people who distribute marijuana to people under 21 years of age. It would amend the definition of "drug addiction" in 19-03.4-01 to apply only to non-marijuana controlled substances. It would amend section 25-03.1-45 to require the automatic deletion of the record of an individual convicted of possession of drugs for a controlled legalized substance; create a call process for someone who thinks that the state has not cleared a record appropriately; and eliminate the sovereign immunity of the state for damages resulting from delisting prosecutions.

○ YES – means that you agree with the measure summarized above.

○ NO – means that you reject the measure summarized above.


Amendment 2 – Medical cannabis

Should the Missouri Constitution be amended to:

  • authorize the use of marijuana for medical purposes and create regulations and licensing / certification procedures for marijuana and marijuana facilities;
  • impose a 4% tax on the retail sale of marijuana; and
  • use the funds for these taxes for health and veterans care by the Missouri Veterans Board and to administer the marijuana and marijuana licensing / certification and regulation program?

It is estimated that this proposal will generate annual taxes and fees of $ 18 million for state and veterans' programs and $ 6 million for local governments. The annual operating costs of the state are estimated at $ 7 million.


○ NO

Amendment 3 – Medical cannabis

Should the Missouri Constitution be amended to:

  • authorize the use of marijuana for medical purposes and create regulations and licensing procedures for marijuana and marijuana facilities;
  • impose a 15% tax on the retail sale of marijuana and a tax on the wholesale sale of flowers and marijuana leaves per ounce of dry weight to licensed facilities; and
  • use funds from these taxes to create and fund a public research institute to conduct research aimed at developing treatments and treatments for cancer and other incurable diseases or medical conditions?

This proposal is expected to generate taxes and annual fees of $ 66 million. State government entities estimate initial implementation costs at $ 186,000 and additional annual operating costs at $ 500,000.


○ NO

Proposition C – Medical Cannabis

Do you want to change the law of Missouri to:

  • remove national bans on personal use and possession of medical cannabis (marijuana) with a written certificate issued by a physician treating a patient diagnosed with a qualified medical condition;
  • remove state bans on the growth, possession, production and sale of marijuana for medical purposes by licensed and regulated facilities, as well as owners and authorized employees of the facility;
  • impose a 2% tax on the retail sale of marijuana for medical purposes; and
  • use this tax funds for veterans services, addiction treatment, early childhood education and public safety in cities with a marijuana treatment center for purposes medical?

State government entities estimate initial and one-time costs at $ 2.6 million, annual costs at $ 10 million and annual revenues of at least $ 10 million. Local government entities estimate that there are no annual costs and should generate at least $ 152,000 in annual revenues.


○ NO


Proposition 2 – Medical Cannabis

Should legislation be passed to:

• Establish a state-controlled process that allows people with certain diseases to acquire and use cannabis for medical purposes and, in limited circumstances, to grow up to 30%. six cannabis plants for personal medical purposes;

• authorize the establishment of facilities that grow, process, test or sell medical cannabis and require such facilities to be licensed by the state; and

• establish state controls on these licensed facilities, including:

o electronic systems that track stocks and purchases of cannabis; and

o the requirements and limitations for the packaging and advertising of cannabis and the types of products authorized?




OHIO – Decriminalization of marijuana


Should the revised Dayton General Orders Code be amended to decriminalize certain specific offense offenses related to marijuana and hashish?


○ NO


Does the proposed proposed marihuana order, which carries the minimum sentence for marijuana offenses at the lowest sentence allowed by the law, must be adopted?


○ NO


Will the proposed order to lower the penalties for marijuana offenses to the lowest offenses allowed by state law be adopted?


○ NO


The proposed order adding section 513.15 of the Marijuana Act to the Municipal Code of the City of Norwood, which would reduce the penalty for marijuana offenses to the lowest penalty allowed by the law of State, would it be adopted?


○ NO


Does the proposed proposed marihuana order, which carries the minimum sentence for marijuana offenses at the lowest sentence allowed by the law, must be adopted?


○ NO


Will the proposed order to lower the penalties for marijuana offenses to the lowest offenses allowed by state law be adopted?


○ NO

WISCONSIN – Advisory Questions on Marijuana

Brown County:

Should cannabis be legalized in Wisconsin for medicinal purposes and regulated in the same way as other prescription drugs?


○ NO

Clark County:

Should the state of Wisconsin legalize the use of marijuana for medical purposes and regulate its use in the same way as other prescription drugs?


○ NO

County Dane:

Should marijuana be legalized, taxed and regulated in the same way as alcohol for adults 21 years and older?


○ NO

Eau Claire County:

Should cannabis:

__ (a) Be legal for adults, 21 years and older, recreational or medical uses, taxed and regulated as alcohol, with the proceeds of taxes used for education, health and infrastructure in Wisconsin?

__ (b) Be legal for medical purposes only and available only by prescription from a medical dispensary?

__ (c) Maintain a drug that is criminally illegal as required by law?

Forest County:

Should the State of Wisconsin allow people with debilitating health conditions to use and safely access marijuana for medical purposes if they receive a written recommendation from a Wisconsin physician? ?


○ NO

Kenosha County:

L’État du Wisconsin devrait-il autoriser les personnes aux prises avec des problèmes de santé débilitants à utiliser la marijuana à des fins médicales et à y avoir accès en toute sécurité, si ces personnes reçoivent une recommandation écrite d’un médecin agréé du Wisconsin?



Comté de La Crosse:

L’État du Wisconsin devrait-il légaliser l’usage de la marijuana chez les adultes de 21 ans ou plus, pour qu’il soit taxé et réglementé de la même manière que l’alcool est réglementé dans l’État du Wisconsin, avec le produit de taxes utilisées pour l’éducation, les soins de santé et les infrastructures?



Comté de Langlade:

L’État du Wisconsin devrait-il autoriser les personnes aux prises avec des problèmes de santé débilitants à utiliser la marijuana à des fins médicales et à y avoir accès en toute sécurité, si ces personnes reçoivent une recommandation écrite d’un médecin agréé du Wisconsin?



Comté de Lincoln:

L’État du Wisconsin devrait-il autoriser les personnes aux prises avec des problèmes de santé débilitants à utiliser la marijuana à des fins médicales et à y avoir accès en toute sécurité, si ces personnes reçoivent une recommandation écrite d’un médecin agréé du Wisconsin?



Comté de Marathon:

L’État du Wisconsin devrait-il autoriser les personnes aux prises avec des problèmes de santé débilitants à utiliser la marijuana à des fins médicales et à y avoir accès en toute sécurité, si ces personnes reçoivent une recommandation écrite d’un médecin agréé du Wisconsin?



Comté de Marquette:

Le comté de Marquette, dans le Wisconsin, adoptera-t-il la résolution suivante? Résolu, que "Nous, les gens" du comté de Marquette, dans le Wisconsin, soutienne le droit de ses citoyens d&#39;acquérir, de posséder et d&#39;utiliser du cannabis à des fins médicales sur recommandation d&#39;un médecin agréé, et; Qu&#39;il soit résolu en outre, que nous soutenons fermement un référendum à l&#39;échelle de l&#39;État demandant au Wisconsin de se joindre à trente-deux (32) autres États ayant déjà approuvé l&#39;utilisation du cannabis à des fins médicales pour le traitement de la douleur chronique, de plusieurs maladies débilitantes et de symptômes invalidants.



Comté de Milwaukee:

Êtes-vous en faveur de permettre aux adultes de 21 ans et plus de consommer de la marijuana à des fins personnelles, tout en réglementant les activités commerciales liées à la marijuana et d&#39;imposer une taxe sur la vente de marijuana?



Comté de Portage:

L’État du Wisconsin devrait-il autoriser les personnes aux prises avec des problèmes médicaux débilitants à utiliser la marijuana à des fins médicales en toute sécurité? [treatment] fins, si ces personnes ont un écrit [treatment] recommandation d&#39;un médecin agréé du Wisconsin?



Comté de Racine:

La marijuana devrait-elle être légalisée pour un usage médical?



La marijuana devrait-elle être légalisée, taxée et réglementée de la même manière que l&#39;alcool pour les adultes de 21 ans et plus?



Le produit des taxes sur la marijuana devrait-il être utilisé pour financer l&#39;éducation, les soins de santé et les infrastructures?



Comté de Rock:

Le cannabis devrait-il être légalisé pour l&#39;usage adulte, taxé et réglementé comme l&#39;alcool, avec le produit des taxes utilisées pour l&#39;éducation, la santé et les infrastructures?



Comté de Sauk:

L’État du Wisconsin devrait-il légaliser la marijuana à des fins médicales afin que les personnes aux prises avec une maladie invalidante puissent avoir accès à de la marijuana à des fins médicales si elles ont une ordonnance d’un médecin du Wisconsin?



Ville de Racine:

Le cannabis devrait-il être légalisé pour un usage récréatif adulte dans le Wisconsin?



Le cannabis devrait-il être légalisé à des fins médicales dans le Wisconsin?



Les ventes de cannabis devraient-elles être taxées et les recettes provenant de ces taxes utilisées pour l&#39;éducation publique, les soins de santé et les infrastructures dans le Wisconsin?



Le cannabis devrait-il être dépénalisé dans l&#39;État du Wisconsin?



Ville de Waukesha: Le cannabis devrait-il être légalisé dans le Wisconsin à des fins médicales et réglementé de la même manière que les autres médicaments sur ordonnance?




Les électeurs de plusieurs comtés et municipalités d&#39;États légalisés auront la possibilité de décider des mesures locales fixant les taux d&#39;imposition de la marijuana ou d&#39;autoriser ou d&#39;interdire les activités commerciales liées au cannabis. Il y a beaucoup trop de ces mesures à compiler ici, vous devriez donc utiliser le site Web des élections de votre état ou de votre comté pour consulter votre exemple de bulletin de vote avant de vous rendre aux urnes.

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