Electronic cigarettes still cause lung cancer


Електронні сигарети все-таки викликають рак легенів

Discovered new evidence of particular health risks associated with e-cigarettes. Researchers from the University of Nevada and the US Desert Research Institute have postulated that electronic cigarettes increase the risk of lung cancer in humans.

According to the experts quoted in Defense News, in the human lung, when smoking electronic cigarettes, a large part of the chemical compounds that can cause cancer are deposited. The analysis of the toxin content in the body of 12 participants in the experiment I smoked had shown that after smoking, people breathed air, significantly increased the concentration of carcinogens, especially aldehydes and formaldehyde.

Conclusion The authors of the new article on the smoking of electronic cigarettes to fill your lungs with cancer-causing chemicals are not the first statement about the dangers of these devices. Although manufacturers say the steam of the electronic cigarette is a healthier alternative than tobacco smoke, scientific studies refute this claim more and more.

In particular, scientists at Queen Mary University, in a series of experiments on cell cultures and mice, confirmed the link between smoking and the development of pneumonia. Results from another study conducted by researchers at Boston University suggest that sweeteners used in electronic cigarettes can cause damage to blood vessels with the same degree of severity as observed by doctors in heart disease.


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