Elementary teachers draw the game to dress as Trump border wall


A group of Idaho elementary school teachers face reprisals after several staff disguised themselves President TrumpDonald John TrumpCurbelo explains why he forgave a man who had tweeted a death threat Obama accuses Trump of being a "political coup" in border policy The voter registration in California reaches a peak without previous until mid-termBorder wall and another group dressed in sombreros, maracas and false black mustaches, which some parents have described as racist.

Deleted images since posted on the Middleton School District Facebook page show the group at the Middleton Heights Elementary School, near Boise, Idaho, disguised as a border-wall-bearing wall. "Make America Great Again," reported CNN on Saturday.

Another group wore bright ponchos, sombreros and black mustaches and held maracas.

The photos were replaced by a live apology video on Friday from District Superintendent Josh Middleton, who said the costumes were "clearly insensitive and inappropriate".

"We must now have these decisions," he said. "I would just like to share again what is happening and express my deepest and most sincere apologies to our families, our clients."

He called the suits "obviously insensitive and inappropriate", but promised that there was no malicious intent.

District officials will launch an investigation, said Middleton.

The Idaho Education Association has condemned the costumes in a Facebook post on Friday.

"The messages conveyed are the antithesis of the beliefs and values ​​of the Idaho Education Association and its dedicated members throughout the state," wrote the organization.

Beth Almanza, an advocate for immigrant rights from the Idaho DACA student group, wrote online that the photos were "heartbreaking".

"Imagine what some students felt when they entered their classrooms on Halloween and saw their teachers (people they admire) dressed like that?", Writes Almanza.

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