Elizabeth Warren Called John Kelly "arrogant impolite wife" | Clinton and Pelosi in the Republican attacks ads


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Senator Elizabeth Warren

According to BuzzFeed, White House chief of staff John Kelly described Senator Elizabeth Warren as "an arrogant and arrogant woman" in a private email that he had exchanged last year with his main collaborator after a phone conversation with the Massachusetts Democrat about the travel ban imposed by the Trump government.

"What an arrogant and rude woman. She immediately started insulting our people, accusing them of not following the court order, of insulting and abusive behavior towards those who were covered by the break, blah blah blah, "wrote Kelly, according to BuzzFeed. The court order that Kelly referred to was a temporary restraining order that blocked the application of President Donald Trump's order to ban citizens from seven predominantly Muslim nations from entering the United States in response to an ACLU lawsuit. Warren said that Trump's travel ban was illegal at a protest she had attended shortly after his ban. BuzzFeed said a Warren spokesman declined to comment on Kelly's statements about him and that the White House did not return calls or emails left to Kelly.

Clinton, Pelosi Featured in GOP Ads: Politico writes that Republicans are still banking on an advertising strategy that demonizes two of America's most recognizable women's policy, even as they face a gender gap in the November elections. Over the past 30 days, nearly 100 Republican-funded television spots have featured Hillary Clinton, House of Representatives minority leader Nancy Pelosi, or both, as the villains have been broadcast more than 34,000 times , according to the data compiled for Politico by Advertising Analytics.

Republican campaigns, or affiliated groups, have reported $ 28.4 million in messages from Clinton and Pelosi over the past month, according to the report.

The date of the Collins trial set: CNN said that a federal judge had set February 3, 2020 as the trial date for the insider trading case in which representative Chris Collins, his son and another man are charged with fraud securities, wire fraud and misrepresentation arising from a so-called ploy. about the Australian pharmaceutical company Innate Immunotherapeutics

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Collins, a Republican from upstate New York who was the first Congressman to back Trump's candidacy for the White House, is due to be reelected next month in a tight race against Democratic challenger Nate McMurray.

The CEO of Uber withdraws from the Saudi conference: Hill reports that Uber CEO Dara Khosrowshahi has said he will not attend a conference in Saudi Arabia after Jamal Khashoggi, a Washington Post contributor and critic of the Saudi government, disappears.

"I am very disturbed by the reports to date on Jamal Khashoggi. We are following the situation closely and, unless very different facts emerge, I will not participate in the debate. [Future Investment Initiative] press conference in Riyadh, "he said, according to an email from Uber's press service.

Look also: US companies are starting to stand out from Saudi money because of the Khashoggi affair.

Trump, meanwhile, said he did not like the idea of ​​ending what he describes as $ 110 billion worth of arms sales to the Middle East nation . The Washington Post has called this figure "fanciful" and is unlikely to materialize.

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