Elizabeth Warren: It's time to use the 25th Amendment to remove Trump from his office


"If senior administration officials think that the US president is not able to do his job, then they should invoke the 25th amendment," Warren told CNN. "The Constitution provides for a procedure whenever the vice-president and senior officials think that the president can not do his job.He does not provide for senior officials to go around the president – take documents from his office, write anonymous articles. " "All these officials have vowed to respect the US Constitution – it's time for them to do their job."

The harsh words of the potential presidential candidate of 2020 follow the surprising New York Times report in which an anonymous official raises serious concerns about the president and argues that the 25th amendment was intended to dismiss the president. . The White House has aggressively repelled the play, calling the author a traitor and coward.

The remarks are sure to spark a debate in the potential area of ​​the year 2020 on the difficulty of attacking Trump, some pleading for the indictment and invoking the 25th amendment and others being more cautious .

Warrren rejected questions that the invocation of constitutional remedies would provoke a constitutional crisis.

"What kind of crisis do we have if senior officials believe that the president can not do his job and then refuse to follow the rules established in the Constitution?" Warren told CNN. "They can not have it both ways, either they think the president is not able to do his job, in which case they follow the rules of the constitution, or they think the president is able to do his job. in which case they follow what the President tells them to do. "

Warren, who is running for a second term in the Senate this year in Massachusetts, will not say when she will finally decide if she will run for the White House.

"Right now, I'm running for re-election in Massachusetts in 2018," said Warren. "I do not take anything for granted."

Still, Warren is seen as a likely presidential candidate against Trump, who seldom holds himself back by criticizing Warren, calling him derisively "Pocahontas" because she had claimed a Native American heritage during her law professor career. But last weekend, the Boston Globe published a survey article showing that his ethnicity was not a factor in his job at Harvard.

"My family is my family, but the Boston Globe has conducted an extremely thorough investigation and determined that my family's background had nothing to do with my hiring," she said.

When asked if she regretted the way she treated the episode of her ethnicity, Warren said, "I was a candidate for the first time in 2012 and, frankly, I I did not even have this basic information – the press, and said, here it is. "

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