Elizabeth Warren says she will "take the time to run for president"


HOLYOKE – US Senator Elizabeth Warren has decisively indicated to date that she was considering getting elected to the White House in 2020, declaring at a public meeting Saturday that she was "going to take a critical look at his candidacy for the presidency "after the November 6 mid-term elections.

Until now, Warren has answered questions about his presidential ambitions by insisting that she is focusing on her reelection in November. On Saturday, she explained that her potential interest in the highest position in the United States was related to the damage she sees to President Trump and, more recently, to the way Republicans handled the sexual assault charges. against US Supreme Court candidate Brett Kavanaugh.

It is extremely important that Democrats do not lose their focus on the upcoming mid-term elections and the reconquest of majorities in the House and Senate, Warren said, when a participant in the public session asked him if she was planning to go to the White House.

"But let's face it: Donald Trump is taking this country in the wrong direction," she said. "I'm worried about what Donald Trump is doing to our democracy."

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With his voice shaking with anger, Warren remembered Thursday's extraordinary audience with Christine Blasey Ford, explaining how Kavanaugh had sexually assaulted her in high school.

"I've seen powerful men help a powerful man to take an even more powerful stance," Warren said. "And I thought, time has run out. It is time for the women to go to Washington to repair our torn government, including a woman at the top, she said, and the crowd of over 500 people applauded. Then she dropped her news.

"After November 6, I'll be looking at the presidential bid," Warren said.

Over the past year, Warren has taken a series of public and private measures widely interpreted as setting the stage for the launch of a presidential race. She worked to cultivate key Democratic constituencies, such as black voters, who contacted key politicians in the early presidential elections and improved her fraternal relations with the national press.

She crossed the country on behalf of the Democrats who ran for office, including in the key states of the presidential battlefield, such as Nevada and Ohio, and used her voluminous e-mail list to collect money. funds for candidates for crucial races. Earlier Saturday, for example, she launched a fundraiser on behalf of Senator Bill Nelson of Florida, a Democrat in a tough re-election battle to fend off Republican state governor Rick Scott in a race among those that could determine control of the US Senate.

Two of his aides were recently sent to the Democratic Party of New Hampshire, home of the country's first primary.

Warren would begin the primary race – which will start unofficially soon after the mid-term elections – with an impressive war chest and proven fundraising prowess. According to documents filed by the federal government, Warren has $ 15.6 million in the bank on August 15, and raised a total of $ 22.4 million during this election cycle.

Much of his money came in the form of modest donations, which proved to be a powerful force during the 2018 primary campaign of Bernie Sanders, the Vermont Independent.

Victoria McGrane can be contacted at [email protected]. Follow her on Twitter @vgmac.

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