Elizabeth Warren's DNA results put Trump on the defensive but also raise questions


"It may not work and it probably will not slow Trump to attack it," she added, "but she has seen enough effective conspiracy campaigns to know that the best antidote to absurd lies and defamation the truth, even if it means recognizing the false attack. "

It is not unusual for white Americans to bear traces of Native American ancestry and the methods used to determine Warren's ancestry were valid, geneticists said on Monday.

But Native Americans are not well represented in large genetic databases and it is difficult, if not impossible, to accurately calculate who provided these genes and when. In any case, ancestry is not the same as cultural heritage, noted scientists, and genetic testing does not solve the question of whether an individual should be considered a Native American .

Yet, Warren is clearly examining the issue through the prism of the political demands of the moment, namely by showing her own party that she will be aggressively confronting the president in a campaign for 2020 that now seems inevitable.

The video that Mrs. Warren aired includes footage of her three brothers and other family members still living in her Oklahoma, their country, who claim loyalty to the Republicans but call the president's nickname "ridiculous" and "idiot".

It also gives Mrs. Warren an opportunity to remind constituents of her roots in the red state, and that's exactly what Warren is doing: talking early, with the sound of a guitar in the background she invokes her "mom". and his "daddy" and represents himself with his family, beer in hand, back to Norman, Okla.

She tries to reuse Trump's attacks against her as an attack on her family, concluding the five-and-a-half-minute video with growing music and an attack on the president.

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