Elizabeth Warren's response to John Kelly's comment about his reproaches


Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren speaks of a recent insult by White House Chief of Staff John Kelly following the President's travel ban . In an email addressed to her main assistant, Kelly allegedly called Warren "an arrogant arrogant woman" and described her phone call with the senator as "the absolutely most insulting conversation I've ever had with anyone." ", according to BuzzFeed. But in her response to Kelly's "impolite and arrogant wife" comment, Warren says that even the White House chief of staff can not silence her.

According to Warren, Kelly's comment came after the two men had violated Trump's ban on Muslims. In an email sent to journalist David Dayen – and later shared on Twitter – Warren explained that his office was busy questioning the Department of Homeland Security about its policy of "illegally detaining Massachusetts residents (and their family members) at Logan Airport of Boston ". But Warren's office had a problem: Kelly, then director of Homeland Security, apparently did not return any of their calls or emails.

"When I finally got the phone with John Kelly, I asked him if he had an office number that I could use in the future to get in touch faster," Warren said in his email. "He dismissed me and directed me to the main line listed on the website of the Department of Homeland Security.Worse, he strangely insisted that I had invented everything and that we we had never tried to reach him. "

The Massachusetts senator said she later read to Kelly some of the emails that her staff had exchanged with her, but that he had again accused her of having invented everything.

"It was one of the first times we saw such" personal facts "so close and personal," Warren wrote about the call. "And one of the first times we saw how much executive power had become dysfunctional – and how quickly."

But Warren apparently would not have been deterred from getting Kelly's live number as easily. In fact, as Mitch McConnell would say, she nevertheless persisted. "I asked for his number again," Warren explained. "He circled and hoisted … let's just say that it was at that point that the conversation really started to get annoying – and that I persisted longer than him."

Warren said that she had not only got Kelly's live phone number, but her cell phone number.

But Warren does not seem to have been hurt by Kelly's remarks about their call or behavior. She seemed to rather imply that he was perhaps a man "who can only hear" blah blah blah "whenever a woman speaks." In addition, she decided to repeat her derogatory remarks about her, just as she was transforming McConnell's famous attempt to silence her in the Senate in one of her campaign slogans.

"Was I hard on John Kelly on this phone call? You bet I was," wrote Warren. "Well, Mitch McConnell can not shut me up – nor John Kelly either."

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