Ellen DeGeneres Gifts, Fatima Ali, Senior Chef $ 50,000


Ellen DeGeneres helps Fatima Ali realize her dreams.

the Excellent chef The candidate revealed last month that her cancer had returned "with revenge" and that the doctors had told her that she had about a year to live. She achieved one of her first goals by meeting DeGeneres (and DJ TWitch) on her show.

In the clip above from Friday 's episode, Ali was talking about the first diagnosis of his rare form of bone cancer, Ewing' s sarcoma, last year. "It was obviously incredibly shocking," she said. "It was the biggest shock of my life, but I knew the only way I could beat him was to be positive and rally around me."

Ali told people at Aspen Food and wine Festival in July that she was "technically cancer free" but that she was undergoing two more months of chemotherapy to prevent her return. But in September, the chief said she felt "pain in her left hip and I felt it was something wrong," she told DeGeneres.

Michael Rozman / Warner Bros.

RELATED: Excellent chef Alum Fatima Ali reveals that her cancer has "revenged" an emotional test

the Excellent chef The fan favorite has gone through a PET scan and received the devastating news. "My doctors sat us down and said, 'Look, cancer is back, it's metastasized. The chemo did not work, "she recalls. "I looked at my doctor and I was like," Tell me right away. How long do I have? He was like "One year". "

"It's crazy," she continued. "But life is crazy."

Michael Rozman / Warner Bros.

RELATED: Excellent chef Stars raise money to give Fatima Ali "the year of her life" after her cancer return

Ali said that during her last 14 months, she had often found solace while watching a treatment. EllenSo the mere fact of meeting the host was a huge deal for her. But DeGeneres went even further when she offered her "new best friend" $ 50,000 worth of Shutterfly to help her travel the world.

Ali Excellent chef The costars had previously set up a GoFundMe campaign. She will receive 100% of the money raised and everything she 's not going to use will go to the Sarcoma Foundation of America.

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