Ellen DeGeneres sends Chrissy Teigen, Andy Lassner through Halloween haunted house


What’s Halloween without scaring the life out of your coworkers, right? That’s pretty much Ellen DeGeneres’ thinking when she sent one of her show’s executive producers, Andy Lassner, through a haunted house — but it’s not all bad, because he got to take Chrissy Teigen along with him for the thrills.

Within seconds of stepping into the Purge Maze at Universal Studios Halloween Horror Nights, Lassner and Teigen are confronted with bloody mannequins that lunge at the duo, proving Lassner’s claim that “it’s nothing, these are dummies” quite wrong. Soon the pair is splattered with something (blood perhaps?) and cowering in corners, despite Lassner trying hard to take the lead and be the “alpha” of the situation. “I’m alpha in terms of you follow my direction,” he later amends. “My alpha doesn’t mean I go first!”

Halfway through, the model and EP think they’ve got a hold on the situation, believing that if the shoes look fake on the characters they’re facing, they won’t come alive and go for them. Blissfully for us viewers, they’re mistaken. Much screaming ensues.

Watch the frighteningly funny video above.

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